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AI For Artists

Kiryha edited this page Jul 25, 2024 · 101 revisions


Artificial Intelligence? Let's dive in, dummies!

I am learning Machine Learning (a subset of AI), and my focus is the implementation of AI algorithms in Houdini to solve particular problems. Here I am sharing my exercises and findings with some theory and explanation.

When I learn new things, the most exciting and challenging part is finding a good application example to play with. Something simple enough to understand, replicate, and modify to get the first grasp, yet applicable and relevant to your area of interest. When you learn Python, it is much more thrilling to affect your Houdini scenes, rather than building a shopping list application.

So let's take our first steps in this field together.

Hello AI World!

The big picture... The ML pipeline includes three steps:

  • Get or generate the data,
  • Teach the model with this data,
  • Utilize the model to make predictions.

Data is a core of ML, the more data you have, the better models you can create. You can get existing datasets on Kaggle, or you can create your own data sets and Houdini is an amazing tool for this task. Creating your data is exciting because you have full control over it, you can make changes anywhere and see how it affects the models.

Let's consider an example: you want to understand what your salary would be based on years of experience you have.

So you need a program that takes years of experience as input and provides prediction: corresponding salary.

Could we write a typical program to predict the salary?

if years_of_expirience > 10:
    return 110
    return 50

To solve this problem with ML algorithms you need tons of records from people with information about experience and salary. You feed this data to a proper algorithm, train the model, and save the model on disk. Then you can "send" a number to a model and get another number back: input=10, output=118618, which means that with 10 years of experience, you can get $118K.

Check the code for this task, you don't need to reproduce it, just notice how relatively simple it is:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Read the data
df = pd.read_csv('salary_dataset.csv')

# Split dataset
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Train model
linear_model = LinearRegression(), y_train)

# Make prediction
experience = 10
predicted_salary = linear_model.predict([[experience]])

# Print result
print(f'I will have ${int(predicted_salary[0][0])} income after {experience} years!')

The snippet is manageable, however, the prediction is not promising:
I will have $118618 income after 10 years!

We used a Linear Regression model to predict a value (salary, dependent variable) based on another value (years of experience, independent variable).

Environment Setup

Before diving into the magic of teaching the computer, we need to install and utilize several extra things in addition to the Python you have in Houdini.

I am using Houdini 20.5, but it should also work in other versions. I have Windows, so the instructions provided for this OS. You will have to figure out how to deal with other systems by yourself, but it should not be that difficult.


To avoid issues, your major and minor Python versions in Houdini and OS should match. If you open the "Python Shell" tab in Houdini it will tell you the version of Python there. Download and install the proper minor version of Python 3 on your OS.

Once installed, Python will be here:
C:/Users/<user name>/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310

Why do we need Python in the OS if we have Python in Houdini? Well, we will need some Python libraries, that are not included in the default Python shipped with Houdini, and getting those is much easier with OS Python.


This tutorial will utilize Pandas, a very efficient library for analyzing, cleaning, exploring, and manipulating data.

Run Command Prompt and type pip install pandas, if you have Python installed properly you should get Pandas in your system here:
C:/Users/<user name>/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Lib/site-packages/pandas

Now you need to tell Houdini Python where to search for Pandas. You can do it in two ways, set a path in each Python script:

import sys
sys.path.append("C:/Users/<user name>/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Lib/site-packages")

Or you can set this path globally in the houdini.env file (which is better for our case):

PYTHONPATH = "C:/Users/kko8/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python310/Lib/site-packages;$PYTHONPATH"

Google Colab

You can run Python programs on your local computer however with a huge amount of data you will want to speed up things a bit. It is a common workflow to perform Machine learning computations on the cloud, here we will do the same.

The Google Colab offers computational resources for free (to some extent). Another good thing is that you have all the necessary libraries installed in the Colab environment.

Logistic Regression: a Sphere or Cube?

Let's finally try something fun and intelligent, yet easy to implement.

Imagine, you have 3D models of a sphere and cube. How can we determine programmatically if this object is a sphere or cube?

By programmatically I mean that instead of a human the computer should be able to solve the problem consistently. In other words, you should have a piece of code that will accept information about the object as input and produce an output, the object classification decision: "This object is a Shpere!"

For humans, it is an easy task, you just show the Houdini viewport with an object to someone, ask what shape they see and you will get an answer. With a computer, it's a bit more tricky...

The big picture for our task will look like this:

Describe Geometry Shape

The first thing you need to solve is how would you even "show" an object to a computer, e.g. what will be the input for our program?

My first obvious suggestion would be to provide an image of an object (a screenshot of a viewport, or a more fancy Karma visualization). We all know that it will work, we would need to train a model by showing it millions of variations of a sphere picture so it can learn to detect a sphere that it has never seen before. And Houdini is the ideal tool for that, we can procedurally generate any number of different spheres to feed the model. However, there is another way that is easier to implement.

Having a sphere in Houdini means that in addition to the ability to render a sphere's image, we also have access to miscellaneous sphere parameters such as position, scale, number of points, world position of each point, etc. Those features of an object can be good data for training the model.

Now we need to figure out what are the good features to describe an object's shape so the computer can determine the differences and make a correct decision.

Let's say we consider an object scale as a feature. We can create a million spheres and a million cubes with a random scale, and record this data in a table, so we will have 2 million rows (one for each sphere or cube instance) and one column "scale" with a float value of each object size. This table we can easily supply as input to a proper ML model. Is scale a good parameter that can characterize an object's shape? Is scale a descriptive property of topology? Can algorithms find some patterns in different object's scale values and link those values to shape?

Intuitively we can feel that the scale of an object does not tell us anything about its shape. So we need to come up with good features, relevant to the object's shape, generate many variations of shape, and record those variations to a table to feed the model.

Let's create a Houdini scene to produce the data.

Generate Syntetic Data

You can download the final Houdini scene, there is no sense in replicating it by yourself. I'll just explain the basic steps of developing the solution, so you can get a grasp on the thought process.

We will use the "Sphere" and "Box" SOP nodes to create geometry, read relevant properties that can describe geometry shapes from those nodes, and save this data to an Excel table. In the end, we will create a program (the "Python" SOP node) and connect "Sphere" or "Cube" SOPs as input to this node. The program will tell us, what node is connected, a sphere or cube, hence we will detect an object shape programmatically.

We need a lot of data, in our case we need many different variations of spheres and cubes. Different how? Well, the easiest thing we can control is a number of rows and columns.

Create a "For-Each Number" loop and put a "Sphere" SOP inside, set the "Iterations" parameter as 250 to create 250 copies of a sphere. You will get an object containing 250 equal spheres as an output of the loop.

Now we need a program that will record the necessary features of those 250 spheres to the Excel table. Create a "Python" SOP after the loop. In this Python program, we will walk through each primitive of input geometry and record feature values to a CSV file:

import hou
import pandas as pd

current_node = hou.pwd()
geo = current_node.geometry()

data = []
csv_path = f'$JOB/scenes/data/train_data_sphere.csv'

for primitive in geo.prims():

    # Here we will read values and store them in a dictionary
    features = {}

data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

Here we used Pandas to store the feature data because we will use Pandas to read the data to train the model later, in the "Train the Model" step.

Now we need to randomize a number of rows and columns for each object. I did it with Python code in the "Rows" and "Columns" parameters for the sphere, and the "Axis Division" parameter for the cube:

import random

counter = hou.node('../foreach_count1')
seed = counter.geometry().attribValue("iteration") + 128 
value = random.randint(3, 120)

return value

At this point, we can see two major things. First, we need our feature values stored as primitive attributes so we can read them from primitives and store them in a dictionary.

Second, we need to get 250 rows in our table, where each row will represent one unique sphere variation. The columns of the table will be our features, so each cell will hold a feature value for a particular sphere instance. We did not figure out what would our features be yet, just decided to vary the number of rows and columns, we will come back to this later. If we loop through all primitives, we will get much more rows, than objects we have (because each object will consist of several primitives), so we need to record primitive data only once for each object. We can do this if we rely on the "Iterations" parameter of the For-Each loop, we can store the object number to a variable and skip the recording of primitive data if this object was processed before:

import hou
import pandas as pd

current_node = hou.pwd()
geo = current_node.geometry()

processed_objects = []
data = []
csv_path = f'$JOB/scenes/data/train_data_sphere.csv'

for primitive in geo.prims():
    object_index = primitive.attribValue('object_index')

    if object_index not in processed_objects:

        features = {}

data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

To make it work we need to store the For_Each loop "Iteration" number as an "object_index" primitive attribute.

At this point, we have a backbone for data generation. We need to add a cube to the setup and record another file with the cube data. Later, when we train the model, we will join those two files into one data set.

Now we need to figure out the most exciting thing, the features. What information we will use as a core characteristic of geometry shape?

Houdini allows you to get a lot of geometry properties quite easily, you can get surface area, volume, curvature, number of points, faces, rows, columns etc, etc, etc. Initially, I used all mentioned attributes as features to train the model, but later doing experiments I left only two: the number of points and the number of faces:

features = {'points': primitive.attribValue('points'),
            'faces': primitive.attribValue('faces'),
            'object_type': 'sphere'}

You can change the "object_switch" input to switch between sphere and cube, and activate the "export_data" Python SOP to record sphere and cube data. You should have two Excel files with 250 rows each and "points", "faces" and "object_type" columns:

You can download the shpere data file and cube data file for reference.

Train the Model

In the salary prediction example we used the Linear Regression model to predict continuous values. In the case of a sphere and cube, we are dealing with binary data, when we check if something is True or False (is this a Sphere?), and for such cases the Logistic Regression model will work perfectly.

The Logistic Regression model will tell us the probability of the input object being a Sphere depending on the number of points and the number of faces this object has. In other terms, the Logistic Regression model allows us to make an object classification decision, e.g. how we classify an input object, as a sphere or cube. This object is predicted as a sphere by a number of points and faces.

Create a new notebook in Collab with a descriptive name. Think of Collab as a regular Python IDE that runs on the cloud. In Collab Notebooks (your Python scripts) you can run code by chanks. You can write a code by chanks in Code Cells. To create a new cell press "+ Code" button, to run the code in the cell press the "Run Cell" button (the white arrow in a black circle).

Once you run the code in the cell, all data remains in the memory, e.g. you need to run the import of modules only once, then you can run a print statement as much as you need, without executing the previous cell with imports.

Upload sphere and cube data files on your Google Drive. I place it in the "PROJECTS/sphere_cube" folder:

Now we can import this data in Collab Notebook and perform some magic:

import pickle
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report

# Read sphere cube data
df_sphere = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/PROJECTS/sphere_cube/train_data_sphere.csv')
df_cube = pd.read_csv('/content/drive/MyDrive/PROJECTS/sphere_cube/train_data_cube.csv')

The first time you run the block with reading CSV files it will throw an error. You need to connect your Google Drive to Collab. Press the "Files" icon on the left menu (image of the folder) and then press "Mount Drive" (Google Drive image). Now you should be able to read CSV data.

Next, we need to combine sphere and cube data into one dataset. We also will delete the first column, we don't need it:

# Combine data and delete redundant column
df = pd.concat([df_sphere, df_cube], ignore_index=True)
df.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis=1, inplace=True)

If you want to examine the content of your data frame you can run the "head" method on your data frame object which will show several first rows:

Detect a Sphere in Houdini

Now let's check how good our model is (if it is capable of making correct predictions).

Experiment Further

It was fun, but it is just the starting point. If you were able to replicate the setup and it is working as described, you can start doing your research.

For example, I tried to swap the procedural "Shere" SOP with a geometry created in Maya (create a sphere in Maya with arbitrary parameters, export to OBJ, load in Houdini with a "File" SOP). The model failed to create a correct prediction detecting a sphere as a cube. The first thing I noticed was that a sphere model from Maya was 10 times bigger than a Houdini sphere. Once I reduced the scale of imported geometry the predictions became correct. If the model fails when the scale is off, maybe we need to introduce a scale as a feature when we create data for the model?

Introduce new features, remove existing ones, and see how they affect prediction.


Introduction to Machine Learning
Grokking Deep Learning

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