A simple React Hook that make rest api call easier
Api calls without Promise or async/ await
Note: This is using the new React Hooks API
$ npm i use-fetch-lib --save
$ yarn add use-fetch-lib
- Simple and Lightweight
- TypeScript ready
- Support Data Mocking
- SSR support
- Request Cancellation on component unmount
- Request Caching (In-Memory cache)
- Local/Cache state mutation (update your data as you want)
use-fetch-lib exposes two named exports to us,
- UseFetchProvider
- useFetch
1️⃣ UseFetchProvider
- UseFetchProvider is just a React component that help the
to configure it properly. - Just wrap your parent component with
- pass it, baseUrl(string) and authorizationToken(string|Function)
authorizationToken={useSelector((store: any) => store.token)}
<App />
2️⃣ useFetch
const [{ data, status }, recall, updateState] = useFetch({
url: "/api/v1/employee/1",
method: "get",
shouldDispatch: true
alternate syntax ♦️
const [{ data, status }, recall] = useFetch("/api/v1/employee/1"); // note: Default value of `shouldDispatch` is false
This will get called on componentDidMount as we pass
true -
it returns an array that we destruct as [{data, status}, recall]
is an object return from Your api call -
active status of your api call, can be destruct as {isFulfilled, isPending, isRejected, isMocked, isCached, err} -
it is a function to recall your api as you want -
is a function to update fetch state locally, it take callback function with preData as its arg.- ex. updateState((preData)=> updatedData)
- You can cache your api req. by providing
cache: true
const [{ data: Posts, status }] = useFetch({ url: "/posts", method: "get", cache: true, });
- You can cache your api req. by providing
- we can pass generic types to
const [{ data: Posts, status: { isFulfilled } }, postTodoService] = useFetch<IPostData, IPostTodo>({ url: "/posts", method: "post" });
- we can pass generic types to
useFetch Params 👇
name | Type | Default | Required | Description |
url | string | required | The request URL | |
method | string | get | optional | The request method 'get', 'delete', 'post', 'put' |
mockData | {} | optional | This is default data for typescript types and api mocking | |
shouldDispatch | () => boolean or boolean | false | optional | The conditions for auto run the service(on componentDidMount ) |
cancelable | boolean | false | optional | Should cancel Api request on Component unmount |
shouldUseAuthToken | boolean | true | optional | if it is true it will send your authorizationToken with the request |
dependencies | Array | true | optional | This is dependencies array, if any of dependency get update them the service will re-call(on componentDidUpdate ) |
before | () => void | optional | This function will trigger before the api call triggers | |
after | (state) => void | optional | This function will trigger after the Api call | |
alter | (state) => newState | optional | With this function you can alter the api response as you want | |
options | {} | optional | The config options of Axios.js (https://goo.gl/UPLqaK) |