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Tyler edited this page Aug 20, 2019 · 2 revisions


  • Make sure you've installed Python 3.7 64 bit. During installation:
    • Select "Add Python to PATH"
    • Make sure pip is included in the installation
  • Clone this repository by running: git clone --recursive
  • Ensure that rlbot is installed on python by running rlbot/run.bat. You can shut it down again if it works.
  • Make sure you have CMake. If you don't have it, visit and run the Windows win64-x64 Installer. During installation:
    • Add CMake to PATH (single user or all users doesn't matter).

Visual Studio Setup

Visual Studio is a common choice of code editor, continue with these steps if you want to use it.

  • If you've just installed python and/or cmake, reboot!
  • Download Visual Studio from
  • In a command prompt (use a fresh one if you just installed cmake), navigate to the folder and run cmake .
  • Open Visual Studio and open the .sln file which now exists in the folder.
  • Confirm that Build->Build Solution works.
  • Right click on CPPExampleBot in the solution explorer and choose 'Set as StartUp Project'
  • Start a match by executing rlbot/run.bat
  • Choose Debug->Start Debugging (or F5), or press the green play button in Visual Studio.
  • Open up and start changing stuff! Visual Studio has a restart button you can press (or Ctrl+Shift+F5) when you want to recompile and try your new changes.
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