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FitBuddy by inVenture (CS374 team design project)

FitBuddy is a web-based software that helps you to do the workout in a proper and entertaining way.

This project is based on React.js and written in TypeScript, which is a typed superset of JavaScript.

Working Product

URL to the product hosted by Netlify

Final Video

URL to a short video introducing the product hosted by Youtube



git clone
cd inventure-frontend
npm config set @bit:registry
yarn  # or `npm install`


See package.json.

Directory Structure

- /public
  |- /fonts                                                 # fonts
  |- _redirects                                             # netlify redirect rules
  |- favicon.ico                                            # favicon
  |- index.html                                             # main html file
  |- manifest.json                                          # app manifest
  |- ... other files: images
- /src
  |- /colors                                                # Color class and predefined color schema
  |- /components                                            # Pages and components
     |- /Buttons                                            # ButtonLarge, ButtonSmall, BackButton
     |- /Dialog                                             # Material-ui dialog wrapper and text buttons
     |- /Firebase                                           # Firebase instance and context provider/consumer
     |- /Icons                                              # EdgeIcon wrapper
     |- /StartWorkout                                       # index (/workout/start), Timer, and
     |- /test                                               # test folder
     |- /Workout                                            # Workout related pages and components except
                                                              Lixia's works
        |- AddWorkout, EditWorkout, index, PainSelection,
           ViewWorkout, WorkoutTable.tsx                    # Keonwoo's works
        |- profile.css, html, js                            # Waleed's works in HTML and CSS
        |- WorkoutType and WorkoutOption.tsx                # Qilman's works transported into React
     |- App.[tsx|css]                                       # main app file
     |- BottomNavigator.[tsx|css]                           # Navigator at the bottom of the page
     |- BottomToolbar.tsx                                   # wrapper for buttons just above the bottom navigator,
                                                              like mute/start buttons in view workout page
     |- CardWithPicture.tsx                                 # Basic card component with picture, used in /workout,
                                                              /profile, /friends/ranking etc.
     |- FirebaseDataPreloader.tsx                           # fetch data from firebase storage and db
     |- Friends.tsx                                         # /friends
     |- Link.tsx                                            # Wrapper for link, in order to change bottom tabs properly
     |- LongContent.tsx                                     # Lorem ipsum, just for test
     |- Profile.tsx                                         # /profile
     |- ProfileCard.tsx                                     # profile card at the top of the /profile page
     |- SectionSelector.tsx                                 # Overview/Trends selector
     |- Slider.[tsx|css]                                    # slider for number input
  |- /i18n                                                  # partial work for i18n, translations and localization
  |- /stores                                                # containing all non-fixed data for the session of app
  |- /styles                                                # fonts, shadows, ...
  |- constants.ts                                           # exports transparent image for unloaded images
  |- index.[tsx|css]                                        # react main file
  |- utils.ts                                               # several helper functions
- ui
  |- body-type, ranking, workout-type                       # Qilman's original work in HTML and CSS


2019 Spring CS374: Intro to HCI, design project by inVenture






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
