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Add support for bgcolor, fontcolor and frameopacity
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This changes the default background style.
This also slightly changes the highlighting behavior.
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kimikage committed Sep 8, 2020
1 parent f2ead5f commit 28a1e73
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Showing 6 changed files with 224 additions and 17 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/assets/pattern.svg
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/assets/profilesvg.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,9 @@ article svg {
overflow: auto;
max-width: 100%;
min-width: 500px;
border: 1px solid rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.2);

article {
background: url('pattern.svg');
96 changes: 94 additions & 2 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,99 @@ In the default `StackFrameCategory` scheme, "gray" indicates time spent in
LLVM, "orange" in other `ccalls`, "light blue" in `Base`, and "red" is
uncategorized (mostly package code).

## `bgcolor` and `fontcolor` options
[`ProfileSVG.view`](@ref) and [``](@ref) have optional keyword
arguments for specifying the SVG styles.

The `bgcolor` option specifies the background color style and the `fontcolor`
option specifies the font color style.

One of the following symbols is available for `bgcolor`:
- `:fcolor`
- `fcolor(:bg)` (default)
- `:classic`
- pale color gradation which comes from the original
[Flame Graphs](
- `:transparent`
- fully transparent

One of the following symbols is available for `fontcolor`:
- `:fcolor`
- `fcolor(:font)` (default)
- `:classic`
- black
- `:currentcolor`
- the [`currentcolor`]( CSS keyword
- `:bw`
- black or white depending on the frame color

!!! info
You cannot specify a `Color` or a color name directly to `bgcolor` or
`fontcolor`. The `colorbg` and `colorfont` options of
`FlameGraphs.FlameColors` and `FlameGraphs.StackFrameCategory` are

### `:fcolor` (default)
```@example ex
using FlameGraphs, Colors
fcolor = FlameColors(colorbg=colorant"steelblue", colorfont=colorant"lightyellow")
ProfileSVG.view(fcolor, g) # hide

### `:classic`
```@example ex
ProfileSVG.view(bgcolor=:classic, fontcolor=:classic)
ProfileSVG.view(g, bgcolor=:classic, fontcolor=:classic) # hide

### `:transparent` and `:currentcolor`
```@raw html
<div class="bg">
The contextual, i.e. parent, background here has a pattern, and the font color
depends on the theme (light or dark).

```@example ex
ProfileSVG.view(bgcolor=:transparent, fontcolor=:currentcolor)
ProfileSVG.view(g, bgcolor=:transparent, fontcolor=:currentcolor) # hide
```@raw html

### `:bw`
```@example ex
modcat(mod) = nothing
loccat(sf) = occursin("#", string(sf.func)) ? colorant"navy" : colorant"powderblue"
mysfc = StackFrameCategory(modcat, loccat, colorant"dimgray", colorant"red")
ProfileSVG.view(mysfc, fontcolor=:bw)
ProfileSVG.view(mysfc, g, fontcolor=:bw) # hide

!!! info
The `colorbg` and `colorfont` options of `FlameGraphs.FlameColors` and
`FlameGraphs.StackFrameCategory` are currently not supported and ignored.
The decision whether to use black or white is based on the assumption that
the frames are opaque. If the [`frameopacity` option](@ref) is set to a low
value, the texts may be hard to read.

## `frameopacity` option

The `frameopacity` option specifyies the opacity of frames in [0, 1]. This
option affects only the background of the frame, not the texts or the viewport

```@raw html
<div class="bg">
The contextual background here has a pattern.

```@example ex
ProfileSVG.view(frameopacity=0.5, bgcolor=:transparent, fontcolor=:currentcolor)
ProfileSVG.view(g, frameopacity=0.5, bgcolor=:transparent, fontcolor=:currentcolor) # hide
```@raw html
36 changes: 34 additions & 2 deletions src/ProfileSVG.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ struct FGConfig
g::Union{FlameGraph, Nothing}
graph_options::Dict{Symbol, Any}
Expand All @@ -48,6 +51,9 @@ end
function FGConfig(g::Union{FlameGraph, Nothing} = nothing,
graph_options = nothing,
fcolor = default_config.fcolor;
bgcolor::Symbol = default_config.bgcolor,
fontcolor::Symbol = default_config.fontcolor,
frameopacity::Real = default_config.frameopacity,
maxdepth::Int = default_config.maxdepth,
maxframes::Int = default_config.maxframes,
width::Real = default_config.width,
Expand All @@ -60,6 +66,7 @@ function FGConfig(g::Union{FlameGraph, Nothing} = nothing,

gopts = graph_options === nothing ? flamegraph_kwargs(kwargs) : graph_options
FGConfig(g, gopts, fcolor,
bgcolor, fontcolor, frameopacity,
maxdepth, maxframes, width, height, roundradius, font, fontsize, notext)

Expand All @@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ function init()
global default_config = FGConfig(nothing,
Dict{Symbol, Any}(),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +119,12 @@ include("svgwriter.jl")
View profiling results.
# keywords for SVG style
- `bgcolor` (default: `:fcolor`)
- The background style. One of `:fcolor`/`:classic`/`:transparent`.
- `fontcolor` (default: `:fcolor`)
- The font color style. One of `:fcolor`/`:classic`/`:currentcolor`/`:bw`.
- `frameopacity` (default: `1`)
- The opacity of frames in [0, 1].
- `maxdepth` (default: `50`)
- The maximum number of the rendered rows.
- `maxframes` (default: `2000`)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +253,7 @@ function, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", fg::FGConfig)
ndata =
sf = ndata.sf
color = fg.fcolor(nextidx, j, ndata)::Color
bw = fg.fontcolor === :bw
x = (first(ndata.span)-1) * xstep + leftmargin
y = height - j * ystep - botmargin
w = length(ndata.span) * xstep
Expand All @@ -251,7 +268,7 @@ function, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", fg::FGConfig)
basename = file
shortinfo = "$(sf.func) in $basename:$(sf.line)"
write_svgflamerect(io, x, y, w, ystep, r, shortinfo, dirinfo, color)
write_svgflamerect(io, x, y, w, ystep, r, shortinfo, dirinfo, color, bw)

for c in g
flamerects(io, c, j + 1, nextidx)
Expand All @@ -262,7 +279,9 @@ function, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", fg::FGConfig)


write_svgheader(io, fig_id, width, height, fg.font, fg.fontsize, fg.notext)
write_svgheader(io, fig_id, width, height,
bgcolor(fg), fontcolor(fg), fg.frameopacity,
fg.font, fg.fontsize, fg.notext)

nextidx = fill(1, nrows + 1) # nextidx[end]: framecount
flamerects(io, fg.g, 1, nextidx)
Expand All @@ -275,6 +294,19 @@ function, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", fg::FGConfig)
write_svgfooter(io, fig_id)

function bgcolor(fg)
fg.bgcolor === :fcolor && return "#" * hex(fg.fcolor(:bg))
fg.bgcolor === :transparent && return "transparent"
return ""

function fontcolor(fg)
fg.fontcolor === :fcolor && return "#" * hex(fg.fcolor(:font))
fg.fontcolor === :currentcolor && return "currentcolor"
fg.fontcolor === :bw && return ""
return "black"

__init__() = init()

end # module
56 changes: 47 additions & 9 deletions src/svgwriter.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,31 +23,48 @@ function simplify(x::Real, digits=2)
ra == rd ? Int(ra) : rd

isdarkcolor(c::Color) = gray(Gray(c)) < 0.65

function write_svgdeclaration(io::IO)
println(io, """<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>""")
println(io, """<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">""")

function write_svgheader(io::IO, fig_id, width, height, font, fontsize, notext)
function write_svgheader(io::IO, fig_id, width, height,
bgcolor, fontcolor, frameopacity,
font, fontsize, notext)
w = simplify(width)
h = simplify(height)
caption_size = simplify(fontsize * 1.4)
x_cap = simplify(width * 0.5)
y_cap = simplify(fontsize * 2)
x_msg = simplify(fontsize * 0.8)
y_msg = height - caption_size
fontcolorhex = "#000000" # FIXME
bg_fill = """url(#$fig_id-background)"""
textcolor = isempty(fontcolor) ? "black" : fontcolor
caption_color = textcolor
if isempty(fontcolor) && startswith(bgcolor, "#") && isdarkcolor(parse(Gray, bgcolor))
caption_color = "white"
bg_fill = isempty(bgcolor) ? "url(#$fig_id-background)" : bgcolor
details_bg_fill = isempty(bgcolor) ? "white" : bgcolor
text_stroke_opacity = notext ? 0.0 : 0.35
op = simplify(frameopacity)
hover_opacity = simplify(op > 0.75 ? op - 0.25 : op + 0.25)
<svg version="1.1" width="$w" height="$h" viewBox="0 0 $w $h"
xmlns="" id="$fig_id">
isempty(bgcolor) && print(io,
<linearGradient id="$fig_id-background" y1="0" y2="1" x1="0" x2="0">
<stop stop-color="#eeeeee" offset="5%" />
<stop stop-color="#eeeeb0" offset="95%" />
<clipPath id="$fig_id-clip">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="$w" height="$h"/>
Expand All @@ -57,27 +74,47 @@ function write_svgheader(io::IO, fig_id, width, height, font, fontsize, notext)
pointer-events: none;
font-family: $font;
font-size: $(simplify(fontsize))px;
fill: $fontcolorhex;
fill: $textcolor;
text#$fig_id-caption {
font-size: $(caption_size)px;
fill: $caption_color;
text-anchor: middle;
#$fig_id-bg {
fill: $bg_fill;
#$fig_id-viewport rect, #$fig_id-viewport path {
vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;
fill-opacity: $op;
#$fig_id-viewport text {
stroke: $fontcolorhex;
stroke: $textcolor;
stroke-width: 0;
stroke-opacity: $text_stroke_opacity;
#$fig_id-viewport rect:hover, #$fig_id-viewport path:hover {
stroke: $fontcolorhex;
stroke-width: 1;
fill-opacity: $hover_opacity;
stroke: $textcolor;
stroke-width: 0.5;
#$fig_id-viewport + rect {
fill: $details_bg_fill;
opacity: 0.8;
fill: $caption_color;
isempty(fontcolor) && print(io,
#$fig_id-viewport text.w {
fill: white;
stroke: white;
<g id="$fig_id-frame" clip-path="url(#$fig_id-clip)">
<rect id="$fig_id-bg" x="0" y="0" width="$w" height="$h"/>
Expand All @@ -87,7 +124,7 @@ function write_svgheader(io::IO, fig_id, width, height, font, fontsize, notext)

function write_svgflamerect(io::IO, xstart, ystart, width, height, roundradius,
shortinfo, dirinfo, color)
shortinfo, dirinfo, color, bw)
x = simplify(xstart)
y = simplify(ystart)
yt = simplify(y + height * 0.75)
Expand All @@ -96,13 +133,14 @@ function write_svgflamerect(io::IO, xstart, ystart, width, height, roundradius,
r = simplify(roundradius)
sinfo = escape_html(shortinfo)
dinfo = escape_html(dirinfo)
classw = (bw & isdarkcolor(color)) ? " class=\"w\"" : ""
if r > zero(r)
print(io, """<rect x="$x" y="$y" width="$w" height="$h" rx="$r" """)
print(io, """<path d="M$x,$(y)v$(h)h$(w)v-$(h)z" """)
println(io, """fill="#$(hex(color))" data-dinfo="$dinfo"/>""")
println(io, """<text x="$x" dx="4" y="$yt">$sinfo</text>""")
println(io, """<text x="$x" dx="4" y="$yt"$classw>$sinfo</text>""")

function write_svgfooter(io::IO, fig_id)
Expand Down

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