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Mizunashi Mana committed Jun 8, 2017
1 parent 04fe42c commit 183bd05
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Showing 9 changed files with 164 additions and 56 deletions.
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions hpc-coveralls.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ library
aeson >= 0.7.1 && <1.3,
base >= 4 && < 5,
Expand All @@ -71,7 +72,8 @@ library
retry >= 0.5 && <0.8,
safe >= 0.3 && <0.4,
split >= 0.2.2 && <0.3,
transformers >= 0.4.1 && <0.6
transformers >= 0.4.1 && <0.6,
filepath >= && <1.5

executable hpc-coveralls
hs-source-dirs: src
Expand All @@ -92,7 +94,8 @@ executable hpc-coveralls
retry >= 0.5 && <0.8,
safe >= 0.3 && <0.4,
split >= 0.2.2 && <0.3,
transformers >= 0.4.1 && <0.6
transformers >= 0.4.1 && <0.6,
filepath >= && <1.5
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns

executable run-cabal-test
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/HpcCoverallsCmdLine.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ data HpcCoverallsArgs = CmdMain
{ optExcludeDirs :: [String]
, argTestSuites :: [String]
, optCabalFile :: Maybe String
, optHpcDirPath :: Maybe String
, optUseStackCov :: Bool
, optServiceName :: Maybe String
, optRepoToken :: Maybe String
, optDisplayReport :: Bool
Expand All @@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ hpcCoverallsArgs = CmdMain
, optDontSend = False &= explicit &= name "dont-send" &= help "Do not send the report to"
, optCoverageMode = AllowPartialLines &= explicit &= typ "MODE" &= name "coverage-mode" &= help "Coverage conversion mode: AllowPartialLines (default), StrictlyFullLines"
, optCabalFile = Nothing &= explicit &= typ "FILE" &= name "cabal-file" &= help "Cabal file (ex.: module-name.cabal)"
, optHpcDirPath = Nothing &= explicit &= typ "DIR" &= name "hpc-dir" &= help "Hpc dir (ex.: dist/hpc/)"
, optUseStackCov = False &= explicit &= name "use-stack-cov" &= help "Use the stack coverage report"
, optServiceName = Nothing &= explicit &= typ "TOKEN" &= name "service-name" &= help "service-name (e.g. travis-pro)"
, optRepoToken = Nothing &= explicit &= typ "TOKEN" &= name "repo-token" &= help "Coveralls repo token"
, argTestSuites = [] &= typ "TEST-SUITES" &= args
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/HpcCoverallsMain.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module Main where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,6 +43,8 @@ getConfig hca = Config
(optExcludeDirs hca)
(optCoverageMode hca)
(optCabalFile hca)
(optHpcDirPath hca)
(optUseStackCov hca)
(optServiceName hca)
(optRepoToken hca)
<$> listToMaybe (argTestSuites hca)
Expand Down
42 changes: 25 additions & 17 deletions src/Trace/Hpc/Coveralls.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,9 +11,7 @@

module Trace.Hpc.Coveralls ( generateCoverallsFromTix ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types ()
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
import Data.Function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,21 +102,26 @@ mergeModuleCoverageData (source, mix, tixs1) (_, _, tixs2) =
mergeCoverageData :: [TestSuiteCoverageData] -> TestSuiteCoverageData
mergeCoverageData = foldr1 (M.unionWith mergeModuleCoverageData)

readMix' :: Maybe String -> String -> String -> TixModule -> IO Mix
readMix' :: Maybe String -> HpcDir -> String -> TixModule -> IO Mix
readMix' mPkgNameVer hpcDir name tix = readMix dirs (Right tix)
where dirs = nub $ (\x -> getMixPath x hpcDir name tix) <$> [Nothing, mPkgNameVer]
where dirs = nub $ (\x -> getMixDirPath x hpcDir name tix) <$> [Nothing, mPkgNameVer]

-- | Create a list of coverage data from the tix input
readCoverageData :: Maybe String -- ^ Package name-version
-> String -- ^ hpc data directory
-> HpcDir -- ^ hpc data directory
-> [String] -- ^ excluded source folders
-> String -- ^ test suite name
-> IO TestSuiteCoverageData -- ^ coverage data list
readCoverageData mPkgNameVer hpcDir excludeDirPatterns testSuiteName = do
let tixPath = getTixPath hpcDir testSuiteName
let tixPath = getTixFilePath hpcDir testSuiteName
mTix <- readTix tixPath

case mTix of
Nothing -> putStrLn ("Couldn't find the file " ++ tixPath) >> dumpDirectoryTree hpcDir >> ioFailure
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "Couldn't find the file " ++ tixPath
dumpDirectoryTree $ tixDir hpcDir

Just (Tix tixs) -> do
mixs <- mapM (readMix' mPkgNameVer hpcDir testSuiteName) tixs
let files = map filePath mixs
Expand All @@ -137,19 +140,24 @@ generateCoverallsFromTix :: String -- ^ CI name
-> Maybe String -- ^ Package name-version
-> IO Value -- ^ code coverage result in json format
generateCoverallsFromTix serviceName jobId gitInfo config mPkgNameVer = do
mHpcDir <- firstExistingDirectory hpcDirs
mHpcDir <- getHpcDir config
case mHpcDir of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Couldn't find the hpc data directory" >> dumpDirectory distDir >> ioFailure
Just hpcDir -> do
Left msg -> do
putStrLn "Couldn't find the hpc data directory"
putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ msg

Right hpcDir -> do
testSuitesCoverages <- mapM (readCoverageData mPkgNameVer hpcDir excludedDirPatterns) testSuiteNames
let coverageData = mergeCoverageData testSuitesCoverages
return $ toCoverallsJson serviceName jobId repoTokenM gitInfo converter coverageData
where excludedDirPatterns = excludedDirs config
testSuiteNames = testSuites config
repoTokenM = repoToken config
converter = case coverageMode config of
StrictlyFullLines -> strictConverter
AllowPartialLines -> looseConverter
return $ toCoverallsJson serviceName jobId mRepoToken gitInfo converter coverageData
excludedDirPatterns = excludedDirs config
testSuiteNames = testSuites config
mRepoToken = repoToken config
converter = case coverageMode config of
StrictlyFullLines -> strictConverter
AllowPartialLines -> looseConverter

ioFailure :: IO a
ioFailure = putStrLn ("You can get support at " ++ gitterUrl) >> exitFailure
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Trace/Hpc/Coveralls/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ data Config = Config {
excludedDirs :: ![FilePath],
coverageMode :: !CoverageMode,
cabalFile :: !(Maybe FilePath),
hpcDirPath :: !(Maybe FilePath),
useStackCov :: !Bool,
serviceName :: !(Maybe String),
repoToken :: !(Maybe String),
testSuites :: ![String]
Expand Down
111 changes: 77 additions & 34 deletions src/Trace/Hpc/Coveralls/Paths.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,42 +11,85 @@

module Trace.Hpc.Coveralls.Paths where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import System.Directory (
doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents
import System.Directory.Tree (
AnchoredDirTree(..), dirTree, readDirectoryWith
import Trace.Hpc.Tix

distDir :: FilePath
distDir = "dist/"

hpcDirs :: [FilePath]
hpcDirs = map (distDir ++) ["hpc/vanilla/", "hpc/"]

tixDir :: String -> FilePath
tixDir = (++ "tix/")

mixDir :: String -> FilePath
mixDir = (++ "mix/")

getMixPath :: Maybe String -- ^ target package name-version
-> String -- ^ hpc output base directory
-> String -- ^ test suite name
-> TixModule -- ^ tix module
-> FilePath -- ^ mix file path
getMixPath mPkgNameVer hpcDir testSuiteName tix = mixDir hpcDir ++ dirName ++ "/"
where dirName = case span (/= '/') modName of
(_, []) -> testSuiteName
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist,
import System.Directory.Tree (AnchoredDirTree (..), dirTree,
import System.FilePath
import Trace.Hpc.Coveralls.Config
import Trace.Hpc.Coveralls.Stack
import Trace.Hpc.Tix

data HpcDir = HpcDir
{ tixDir :: !FilePath
, mixDir :: !FilePath
, isStackHpcDir :: !Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)

getHpcDir :: Config -> IO (Either String HpcDir)
getHpcDir config
| useStackCov config = stackHpcDir
getHpcDir config = case hpcDirPath config of
Just hpcDir -> buildHpcDir hpcDir
Nothing -> getHpcDir'
getHpcDir' = do
mPath <- firstExistingDirectory cabalHpcDirs
maybe stackHpcDir buildHpcDir mPath

cabalDistDir :: FilePath
cabalDistDir = "dist/"

cabalHpcDirs :: [FilePath]
cabalHpcDirs = map (cabalDistDir ++) ["hpc/vanilla/", "hpc/"]

stackHpcDir :: IO (Either String HpcDir)
stackHpcDir = do
canExecStack <- checkStackVersion
if canExecStack
then Right <$> getStackHpcDir
else return $ Left "cannot exec `stack`"

getStackHpcDir :: IO HpcDir
getStackHpcDir = HpcDir
<$> ((</>) <$> stackHpcRootPath <*> stackProjectName)
<*> stackDistHpcRootPath
<*> pure True

buildHpcDir :: FilePath -> IO (Either String HpcDir)
buildHpcDir hpcDir = do
mTixDir <- firstExistingDirectory [hpcDir </> "tix", hpcDir]
let eTixDir = maybe (Left $ "not found: " ++ hpcDir </> "tix") Right mTixDir

mMixDir <- firstExistingDirectory [hpcDir </> "mix", hpcDir]
let eMixDir = maybe (Left $ "not found: " ++ hpcDir </> "mix") Right mMixDir

return $ HpcDir <$> eTixDir <*> eMixDir <*> pure False

getMixDirPath :: Maybe String -- ^ target package name-version
-> HpcDir -- ^ hpc output base directory
-> String -- ^ test suite name
-> TixModule -- ^ tix module
-> FilePath -- ^ mix file path
getMixDirPath _ hpcDir _ _ = mixDir hpcDir
getMixDirPath mPkgNameVer hpcDir testSuiteName tix
= mixDir hpcDir
</> dirName
dirName = case span (/= '/') modName of
(_, []) -> testSuiteName
(packageId, _) -> fromMaybe packageId mPkgNameVer
TixModule modName _ _ _ = tix

getTixPath :: String -> String -> FilePath
getTixPath hpcDir testSuiteName = tixDir hpcDir ++ testSuiteName ++ "/" ++ getTixFileName testSuiteName
TixModule modName _ _ _ = tix

getTixFilePath :: HpcDir -> String -> FilePath
getTixFilePath hpcDir testSuiteName
= tixDir hpcDir
</> testSuiteName
</> getTixFileName testSuiteName

firstExistingDirectory :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
firstExistingDirectory = fmap msum . mapM pathIfExist
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions src/Trace/Hpc/Coveralls/Stack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
module Trace.Hpc.Coveralls.Stack
( checkStackVersion
, stackProjectName
, stackPath
, stackHpcRootPath
, stackDistHpcRootPath
) where

import Control.Exception
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error
import System.Process (callProcess, readProcess)
import Trace.Hpc.Coveralls.Util

checkStackVersion :: IO Bool
checkStackVersion = handle (handleIOError False) $ do
callProcess "stack" ["--version"]
return True
handleIOError :: a -> IOError -> IO a
handleIOError d e
| isDoesNotExistError e = return d
handleIOError _ e = throwIO e

stackPath :: String -> IO FilePath
stackPath key = stripString <$> readProcess "stack" ["path", "--" ++ key] ""

stackProjectName :: IO String
stackProjectName = takeFileName <$> stackPath "project-root"

stackHpcRootPath :: IO FilePath
stackHpcRootPath = stackPath "local-hpc-root"

stackDistDirPath :: IO FilePath
stackDistDirPath = stackPath "dist-dir"

stackDistHpcRootPath :: IO FilePath
stackDistHpcRootPath = (</> "hpc") <$> stackDistDirPath
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Trace/Hpc/Coveralls/Util.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
module Trace.Hpc.Coveralls.Util where

import Data.List
import Data.Char

fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
fst3 (x, _, _) = x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,3 +59,6 @@ groupByIndex size = take size . flip (++) (repeat []) . groupByIndex' 0 []
groupByIndex' i ys xx@((xi, x) : xs) = if xi == i
then groupByIndex' i (x : ys) xs
else ys : groupByIndex' (i + 1) [] xx

stripString :: String -> String
stripString = takeWhile (not . isSpace) . dropWhile isSpace
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion test/TestHpcCoverallsUtil.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,9 +79,14 @@ testGroupByIndex = "groupByIndex" ~: [
groupByIndex 3 [(1, 2), (1, 3)] @?= [[], [3, 2], []],
groupByIndex 5 [(0, 2), (2, 5), (2, 3), (4, 13), (4, 11), (4, 7)] @?= [[2], [], [3, 5], [], [7, 11, 13]]]

testStripString = "stripString" ~: [
stripString " aa " @?= "aa",
stripString "\nbb" @?= "bb"]

testUtil = "Util" ~: [

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