Masabi Test
npm install
npm install -g karma-cli npm install -g phantomjs npm install -g http-server #npm install karma-qunit #npm install karma-jasmine --save-dev #npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev
bower install
Start server
cd to this directory and run command:
navigate browser to :
Implement the following spec in a mobile platform of your choice (a responsive Angular app would be fine, we can adjust the window size to simulate landscape/portrait mode etc).
From the attached JSON file:
Parse the data
Use this data to display a list of the train journeys
For each train journey, add a second screen to display more detailed information
The list view should display:
Origin station
Destination station
Journey start and end time
The detail view should display:
Origin station
Destination station
Train operating company
Journey duration
Journey start and end time
General Guidance
Please ensure that your code adheres to good MVC principles:–view–controller
Please also ensure that you write your code in an extensible manner; we will ask you to extend your implementation in the next interview stage.
The resulting code is expected to demonstrate:
Code quality ( documentation, separation of concerns, decoupling etc. )
TDD approach
Platform specific design knowledge
Ability to construct the UI and UX in a sensible and consistent way