Scribe is a web application made to simplify after-the-fact bookeeping. Functionalities include
- User account creation and log in
- Client creation and selection
- Transaction input and deletion
- Transcation reconciliation
- Reconciliation is a check to ensure proper input of transactions
- Account Adjustment
- Directly changing the balance of financial accounts
- Report Generation
- Transaction Register
- Click here for full video presentation (16 min)
- Click here to jump to the demo section of the video (4 min)
- Scribe uses html, css, and javascript to handle the front end functionality
- Php is used to wrap html files and facilitate communication between front and back end
- The database is built using MySql and PhpMyAdmin
- Relevant Libraries
Kent Howell - [email protected]
Emma Orazen - [email protected]
Aaron Passalacqua - [email protected]
Francie O'Neil - [email protected]
Tom Deep - [email protected]