The @salesforce/core library provides client-side management of Salesforce DX projects, org authentication, connections to Salesforce APIs, and other utilities. Much of the core functionality that powers the Salesforcedx plug-ins comes from this library. You can use this functionality in your plug-ins, too.
See the API documentation.
If you are interested in contributing, please take a look at the CONTRIBUTING guide.
- @salesforce/command - Contains base Salesforce CLI command,
. - @salesforce/plugin-generator - The generator plug-in for building plug-ins for Salesforce CLI.
The Salesforce DX Core Library provides a unit testing utility to help with mocking and sand-boxing core components. This feature allows unit tests to execute without needing to make API calls to
Here you can mock authorization for a Salesforce scratch org.
import { strictEqual } from 'assert';
import { MockTestOrgData, testSetup } from '@salesforce/core/lib/testSetup';
import { AuthInfo } from '@salesforce/core';
const $$ = testSetup();
describe('Mocking Auth data', () => {
it('example', async () => {
const testData = new MockTestOrgData();
$$.setConfigStubContents('AuthInfoConfig', {
contents: await testData.getConfig()
const auth: AuthInfo = await AuthInfo.create({ username: testData.username });
strictEqual(auth.getUsername(), testData.username);
After having a valid AuthInfo object you can then create fake connections to a scratch org. This allows for writing tests that can validate result responses for SOQL queries and REST endpoints.
import { AuthInfo, Connection, SfdxError } from '@salesforce/core';
import { MockTestOrgData, testSetup } from '@salesforce/core/lib/testSetup';
import { AnyJson, ensureJsonMap, JsonMap } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import { ensureString } from '@salesforce/ts-types';
import { deepStrictEqual } from 'assert';
import { QueryResult } from 'jsforce';
const $$ = testSetup();
describe('Mocking a force server call', () => {
it('example', async () => {
const records: AnyJson = { records: ['123456', '234567'] };
const testData = new MockTestOrgData();
$$.setConfigStubContents('AuthInfoConfig', {
contents: await testData.getConfig()
$$.fakeConnectionRequest = (request: AnyJson): Promise<AnyJson> => {
const _request: JsonMap = ensureJsonMap(request);
if (request && ensureString(_request.url).includes('Account')) {
return Promise.resolve(records);
} else {
return Promise.reject(new SfdxError(`Unexpected request: ${_request.url}`));
const connection: Connection = await Connection.create({
authInfo: await AuthInfo.create({ username: testData.username })
const result: QueryResult<{}> = await connection.query('select Id From Account');
deepStrictEqual(result, records);
sfdx-core uses Sinon as its underlying mocking system. If you're unfamiliar with Sinon and it's sandboxing concept you can find more information here:
Sinon stub
s and spy
s must be cleaned up after test invocations. To ease the use of Sinon with sfdx core we've exposed our sandbox in TestSetup. After adding your own stub
s and/or spy
s they will automatically be cleaned up after each test using mocha's afterEach method.
import { strictEqual } from 'assert';
import { testSetup } from '@salesforce/core/lib/testSetup';
import * as os from 'os';
const $$ = testSetup();
describe('Using the built in Sinon sandbox.', () => {
it('example', async () => {
const unsupportedOS = 'LEO';
$$.SANDBOX.stub(os, 'platform').returns(unsupportedOS);
strictEqual(os.platform(), unsupportedOS);
It's important to have negative tests that ensure proper error handling. With shouldThrow
it's easy to test for expected async rejections.
import { SfdxError } from '@salesforce/core';
import { shouldThrow } from '@salesforce/core/lib/testSetup';
import { strictEqual } from 'assert';
class TestObject {
public static async method() {
throw new SfdxError('Error', 'ExpectedError');
describe('Testing for expected errors', () => {
it('example', async () => {
try {
await shouldThrow(TestObject.method());
} catch (e) {
strictEqual(, 'ExpectedError');
It's also useful to check expected values and content from log lines. TestSetup configures the sfdx-core logger to use an in memory LogLine storage structure. These can be easily accessed from tests.
import { Logger, LogLine } from '@salesforce/core';
import { testSetup } from '@salesforce/core/lib/testSetup';
import { strictEqual } from 'assert';
const $$ = testSetup();
const TEST_STRING = 'foo was here';
class TestObject {
constructor(private logger: Logger) {
this.logger = logger.child('TestObject');
public method() {
describe('Testing log lines', () => {
it('example', async () => {
const obj: TestObject = new TestObject($$.TEST_LOGGER);
const records: LogLine[] = $$.TEST_LOGGER.getBufferedRecords();
strictEqual(records.length, 1);
strictEqual(records[0].msg, TEST_STRING);