GitHub Java content repository source code analyzer
- Make sure you have
- 1.1. Linux
- 1.2. FindBugs 3.0.1 in /opt
- download - command --
- unzip file in /opt -command --
sudo unzip -d /opt
- download - command --
- 1.3. jar format of Checkstyle 8.13 in /opt
- download checkstyle-8.13-all.jar
- command --
- move it to /opt - command --
sudo mv checkstyle-8.13-all.jar /opt
- 1.4. Git - on command line or download from
- command -- Fedora
sudo dnf install git-all
or Ubuntusudo apt install git-all
- command -- Fedora
- 1.5. Maven
- 1.6. WildFly
- download from
- Set the JBOSS_HOME variable
- command --
export JBOSS_HOME=/path/to/wfly
- command --
- Start WildFly - command --
- Set up database and dataSource
- Install mysql, create user and database:
sudo dnf -y install mysql-server mysql sudo systemctl start mariadb.service mysql // Run mysql and create user and database CREATE USER 'databaseUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '12*ab*34'; CREATE DATABASE reports; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON reports.* TO 'databaseUser'@'localhost';
- you can use a script located in RepositoryReport_433511/src/main/webapp/scripts/
- but you have to change the path in the last row of the file to /yourPathToProject/RepositoryReport_433511/src/main/webapp/scripts/addDriverAndCreateDatasource.cli
- commands --
chmod +x /pathToFile/
- Install mysql, create user and database:
- Compile this project - command --
mvn clean install
- Deploy it to WildFly
- one way is copy it to the deployments - commmand --
cp /yourPathToProject/RepositoryReport_433511/target/RepositoryReport_433511.war $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments
- one way is copy it to the deployments - commmand --
- Execute application in your web browser with url http://localhost:8080/RepositoryReport_433511/faces/home.xhtml