Car Garage is a web and mobile platform which provides an efficient way for the vehicle enthusiasts around the world for sell and purchase of the vehicles and accessories. Dealers and buyers can look for different vehicles and their parts available in their specific region and can go through and put advertisements. Car Garage provides a facility to its users by giving them option for searching for the specific vehicle by name, company and model numbers and same goes for the vehicle parts. Users can upload the pictures and specifications of their vehicles or products and posting ads which can be displayed in the car garage website and mobile application. Car Garage is a facility for users for sale and purchase of the vehicles without any dealer being involved i.e., direct dealing with the client. An exceptional feature of car garage is that it provides a price scale for a car or car parts, to the users i.e., dealers and buyers. The price scale will be a range between specific numbers according to the present market value of the vehicle or its part. This price scale will be the negotiation range for the dealer and buyer, and they must settle by staying within the given range. This will help in giving the dealer a good price for his vehicle or part and customer can also get a desirable buying price.
- Typescript
- Express
- Mongo with Mongoose
- Zod
- Pino
- pnpm for package management
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