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AnumSidd edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Soen341 wiki! (Team #4)

This is the repository of Team 4 for Winter 2022 SOEN341-UU. The project involves making a simplified version of Amazon (online shopping website). Some of the core features include: browsing for available items, adding items to the shopping cart, checking out, etc. Lastly, we will implement some additional features to make our website more user-friendly.


Name Student ID GitHub Username
Anum Siddiqui 40129811
Khalid Sadat 40177334
Shabia Saeed 40154081

Customer's Name: Bo Yang

Coding Style Enforced:

  • Camel case
  • Snake case

Languages and Tools:

php css3 html5 javascript mysql

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