- Student 1. Alexis Chambers [email protected]
- Student 2. Zeeshan Talha [email protected]
- Student 3. Reed Connor [email protected]
- Student 4. Chakal Khalil [email protected]
Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone
git clone https://github.com/khacha329/PWP_CrustyCrabs.git
To ensure your python packages are protected, set up a virtual environment to keep a clean system
python -m venv /path/to/myEnv
Activate the virtual environment
cd to directory with project files
cd ./path/to/Project/Files
Install the required python packages in the virtual environment using the requirements.txt file located in the root directory of this project
pip install -r requirements.txt
Intall inventory manager package in developer mode: Navigate to /PWP_CrustyCrabs/
pip install -e .
To run the app, type the following commands from the root directory (NOTE: FIRST INITIALIZE THE DATABASE):
flask --app inventorymanager run
To intialize the database and populate it with dummy data follow the README file under the inventorymanager folder
Run these to format code and imports:
pip install isort
isort inventorymanager
black inventorymanager
After starting the flask server, the Swagger documentation can be found at:
VS code has an extension AutoDocstring, to use set cursor directly below method and press Ctrl+Shift+2.
To format the docstrings correctly go to settings and set:
Run all Tests: pytest
Run all Tests with coverage: pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=inventorymanager
Or Run tests in VS Code tests tab.
Postman link: https://app.getpostman.com/join-team?invite_code=a11c54208bc216362b9fde402feec912&target_code=437ef75d1e1193f934e96cb340c4f083
Remember to include all required documentation and HOWTOs, including how to create and populate the database, how to run and test the API, the url to the entrypoint and instructions on how to setup and run the client
To setup & run the auxiliary API run the following commands (the qrreader has large dependencies like tensorflow):
sudo apt-get install libzbar0
python -m pip install -r auxiliary_api/requirements.txt
flask --app auxiliary_api/qrcode_api.py --debug run --port 5001