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Simple flutter application which uses SQLite Database

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Shopping App

Simple flutter application which uses SQLite Database.

About the App

While Shopping, you might forget things now and then , this App will help resolving this problem by saving things you want to buy.

The App has two screens, the first one is for lists, the second is for items contained in each list.

The first Screen which is the Lists Screen displays the lists by their name ordered by their priorities.
By Clicking on a particulair list, a new screen containig the items contained on the list will appear which shows items name , quantity and notes.

DbHelper Class

DbHelper Class contains all the methods related to the interaction with our Database and contains CRUD operations (Create , Read , Update , Delete).

class DbHelper {
    // Database Version
    final int version = 1;

    // The SQLite Databse
    Database? db;

Creating the Database

Future<Database?> openDb() async {
    if (db == null) {
    db = await openDatabase(join(await getDatabasesPath (), "shopping.db"),onCreate: (database, version) {
        // Creating lists table

        // Creating items table
    version: version);

    return db;

About the Database

The Database has tow tables: lists table and items table.

  "CREATE TABLE lists (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , name TEXT , priority INTEGER)";

  "CREATE TABLE items (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , idList INTEGER , name TEXT , quantity TEXT , note TEXT , " +
      " FOREIGN KEY(idList) REFERENCES lists(id))";

Creating and Updating Data:

The parametre conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace allows the insertList method to create a List if it's new and update it if it exists already.

Future<int> insertList(ShoppingList list) async{
    db = await openDb();
    int id = await db!.insert("lists", list.toMap(),
    conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm.replace);
    return id;

Reading Data:

Future<List<ListItem>> getItems(int idList) async {
    db = await openDb();
    List<Map<String, dynamic>> items =
    await db!.query("items", where: "idList = ?", whereArgs: [idList]);

    return List.generate(items.length, (index) {
        return ListItem(
        id: items[index]["id"],
        idList: items[index]["idList"],
        name: items[index]["name"],
        quantity: items[index]["quantity"],
        note: items[index]["note"]);

Deleting Data :

Future<int> deleteItem(int id) async {
    db = await openDb();
    int result = await db!.delete("items", where: "id= ?", whereArgs: [id]);
    return result;


Simple flutter application which uses SQLite Database






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