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Custom user interface elements for iOS applications.


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Language Swift 3


Custom views included in this library:

Name Description
Pop Up View & Loading Spinner A pop up that shows a title and/or caption in addition to a loading spinner.
Star View Highly configurable UIView star drawn using UIBezierPath objects.
Partially visible swipeable view A partially visible view that responds to vertical swipes to reveal and hide its content.

Table of Contents

Pop Up View

Customizable pop up that can fade away after a specified interval and also takes a closure that is called on dismissal or completion.

Pop up view demo


Property Name Description Type Default
titleText Styleable title text NSMutableAttributedString N/A
bodyText Styleable body text NSMutableAttributedString N/A
titleFontName Title font name. Passed into UIFont(name:size:) String nil. Will default to system font.
bodyFontName Body font name. Passed into UIFont(name:size:) String nil. Will default to system font.
titleFontColor Tile font color UIColor Dark blue
bodyFontColor Body font color UIColor Purple
spinnerBorderColor Spinner border color UIColor Off white
spinnerFillColor Used for spinners which retain the same color. UIColor Powder blue
spinnerBorderWidth The border width of the spinner. CGFloat 5.0
padding The padding between the elements. E.g., spinner, title, body. CGFloat 10.0
cornerRadius If set, will clip the view and round the edges to the specified value. CGFloat 10.0
spinnerSizeInPoints The size of the spinner view. CGFloat 20.0
spinnerDuration The duration of the rotation and any other spinner animations. CGFloast 2.0


Text only

Display a standard pop up with a title and body.

popUpView = OMAKOPopUpView()

popUpView.titleText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Title")
popUpView.bodyText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Body")

// Pass in the view that the popup should be centered in.
// The pop up will add itself to the view's hierarchy.
popUpView.display(parentView: view)

Hiding a popup:

popUpView.hide(completion: nil)

// Or a completion block can be passed in:
popUpView.hide() { print("Do something after the popup is dismissed") }

Displaying a popup for a set interval:

    Will dismiss the popup after 5 seconds.

    A completion block can be passed in, which will execute after the popup
    is dismissed.
popUpView.display(parentView: view, withDuration: 5.0, completion: nil)


popUpView = OMAKOPopUpView()

popUpView.titleText = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Loading")
popUpView.spinnerSizeInPoints = 40.0 // Results in a larger spinner.

popUpView.displaySpinner(parentView: view, spinnerType: .square) // Square spinner
popUpView.displaySpinner(parentView: view, spinnerType: .star) // Star spinner

// Hide
popUpView.hide(completion: nil)

Star View

A UIView that draws a highly configurable star using UIBezierPath objects.

Star view demo


In Interface Builder, the following properties are available:

Star view inspectable properties

Property Name Description Type Default
strokeWidth The star's border width. CGFloat 5.0
hasStroke If true, a border will be rendered. Bool false
strokeColor Border color. UIColor Red
fillColor The star's fill color. UIColor Powder blue
innerToOuterRadiusRatio Determines the thickness of the star. Values closer to 1.0 will widen the arms of the star, while values closer to 0.0 will thin the arms. CGFloat 0.45
starToViewRatio The size of the star proportional to the view. Range: 0.0 to 1.0. CGFloat 1.0
cacheVertices Vertex positions will be cached. Set this to false if vertex positions are expected to change between draw(_:) render calls. Bool true


Star view variations

var starView = OMAKOStarView()
starView.hasStroke = true
starView.strokeWidth = 5.0
starView.strokeColor =
starView.fillColor = UIColor.yellow
starView.innerToOuterRadiusRatio = 0.25 // Results in a thinner star.
starView.starToViewRatio = 0.8 // Results in a smaller star.

Rounding the edges inscribes the star within a circle, since the view is a subclass of UIView.

var starView = OMAKOStarView()

// Creates a circular border. The usual UIView properties are available.
starView.layer.cornerRadius = starView.bounds.width/Float(2)
starView.layer.borderWidth = 5.0
starView.layer.borderColor =
starView.clipToBound = true

Partially Visible Swipeable View

Partially Visible Swipeable View demo


Important Note on Constraints

A width constraint for the view must be set if using Interface Builder.

The remove at build time placeholder checkbox MUST BE selected for the width constraint.

Interface builder autogenerates constraints, and this will result in constraint conflicts if the above steps are not followed.

The same needs to be done for height if the height of the view is dynamic. E.g., multiline labels that contain dynamic text.

UIViewController Example

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var containerView: OMAKOPartiallyVisibleSwipeableView!
    @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!

    let titleLoremIpsum = "Qui officia deserunt anim id est laborum."

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Make labels multiline and add text
        titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0
        titleLabel.text = titleLoremIpsum

            `setupView(bottomLayoutGuide:)` should be called after any
            changes are made to subviews that may affect the size of the
            `containerView`.  E.g., Dynamically setting multiline label text.

            Optionally, `setupView()` can be called without paramters and this
            will by default pin the view to the bottom of the superview.

           Pinning the view to the `bottomLayoutGuide`, however, is preferred.
        containerView.setupView(bottomLayoutGuide: bottomLayoutGuide)

    override func didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation(fromInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation) {
        // Must be called on device orientation changes.
        // Screen rotations will change the height of the `container view`,
        // and `onRotate()` accounts for any changes.

IBInspectable Properties

Partially Visible Swipeable IBInspectable properties

Name Type Description Values
visible amount CGFloat Proportion of the view's height that should be initially visible. A value of 1.0 is fully visible, and 0.0 is completely hidden. Default value is 0.4, which makes 40% of the view's height visible.
relative width CGFloat Width of the view relative to its superview. 1.0 matches the width of the parent, and 0.0 gives the view a width of 0. Default is 0.75 or three-quarters of the superview's width
align center Boolean Centers the view within the superview. Default set to true.

The properties below adjust the animation oscillation and bounce . See the Apple developer documentation on animateWithDuration with spring damping for more details.

Name Type Description Values
duration CGFloat How long the animation should take, in seconds. If <= 0, no animation will be applied. Default is set to 1.5 seconds
damping ratio CGFloat Amount of bouncing desired. Use 1 to smoothly decelerate with no oscillation. Values closer to 0 will increase oscillation/bouncing. The higher the value, the faster the oscillations will cease. Default is set to 0.5.
spring speed CGFloat The spring's initial velocity. The damping ratio will proportionally decrement this value until the velocity reaches 0. Higher values will increase the oscillations' speed. Default is set to 0.5.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


OMAKOView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "OMAKOView"


Kevin Leong, [email protected]


OMAKOView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Custom user interface elements for iOS applications.







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