Mimic is a jQuery plugin to replicate markup.
Replicate markup with id myClone0
with a single line of Javascript.
Activate a clone without writing Javascript. Set data-clone="true"
on the
source element. You can also specify options as data attributes.
<div id="myClone0" data-clone="true" data-trigger="#cloneBtn">...</div>
Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes,
append the option name to data-, as in data-limit="3"
If a trigger string is provided, the clone event will be delegated to this element. -
Limits the amount of clones that can be shown. This number includes the source element. -
Specify selecters of elements that should be removed when replicated. The data attribute should be specified like so:data-remove-elements="#myElement"
. -
Specify CSS classes that should be removed when replicated. Be sure to add the dot before the class name, like so:data-remove-classes=".my-class"
. -
This option will place the clone before the trigger. By default the clone is place after the source. The data attribute should be specified like so:data-insert-before-trigger="true"
The source element needs to have an ID with a zero index. The subsequent clones would be myClone1, myClone2, etc. -
Add this class to a input element and the value of that element will not be cleared when cloned.
Activates your element to be cloned. Accepts an optional options object
trigger: "#myCloneBtn"
Manually initializes a clone. Updates indexes of elements with an ID or existing clones and shows or hides trigger if used.
Manually clones an element.
This is equivalent to:
Manually removes a clone. Note that we call this method on the 'remove' link.
$('#myClone1 [data-mimic-remove] a').mimic('remove')
The mimic class exposes a few events for hooking into cloning functionality.
This event is fired after theinit
method is called. -
This event is fired after an element has been cloned. The cloned element's ID and new index are passed as parameters. -
This event is fired after an clone has been removed. The clone's ID is passed as a parameter.
$('$myClone0').on('cloned', function (e, element_id, index) {
// do something