This a a simple function, that I will be adding to over time to generate passwords using PowerShell utilising the Windows Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) which is a function from the Windows Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP). This is (more than) 'good enough' for most cases as without a hardware generator probably as good as Windows provides.
It was borne of frustration with a number of devices, platforms and applications not accepting specific characters as input. A number of platforms won't allow:
- Specific Characters only (% $ \ / for instance)
- No numbers as the first character
- No symbols as the first character
This is created as PowerShell function that is simple to use.
Firstly import the function
import-module .\password-functions.psm1
Then call the function
It will output (by default) a:
- 16 character password
- At least one Upper Case and one Lower Case
- At least one number
- At least one simple symbol eg.
An example would be P30ina5vUSfIaA+z
If you need more than one add -count
followed by a number
If you need a different password length add -length
followed by a number
Add the -readable
flag. This takes out some of the similar characters such as oO
and iI
, leaving the numbers.
Add the -strong
flag. This uses the full alpha, numeric and standard symbol set including the icky characters that some systems don't like.