Master Branch
Develop Branch
An Angular 2 module implementing Google's reCAPTCHA that actually works, requires no additional dependancies and only needs a single import.
Currently built against Angular ^2.0.0
ng2-google-recaptcha has the following additional dependancies
- Typings:
npm install typings --global
- Add the package to your 'dependencies' list in
and runnpm install
"ng2-google-recaptcha": "^1.0.0"
Optionally, you can manually install the package using the npm command line
npm install ng2-google-recaptcha --save
- Add ng2-google-recaptcha to both your
structures insystemjs.config.js
var map = {
'ng2-google-recaptcha': 'node_modules/ng2-google-recaptcha'
var packages = {
'ng2-google-recaptcha': { main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js' },
- Optionally, add the
option totsconfig.json
to make sure TypeScript's default root path algorithm doesn't pull in thenode_modules
To use ng2-google-recaptcha, you need to import the Ng2GoogleRecaptchaModule into the relevent module in your application. In the sample application this is done in the entry module - app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Ng2GoogleRecaptchaModule } from 'ng2-google-recaptcha';
imports: [
bootstrap: [
export class AppModule { }
To add a reCAPTCHA all you need is to link to Google's reCAPTCHA script, a site key, and a response callback.
Add the following to your <head>
tag in your main HTML page
<script src="" async defer></script>
The following is the most basic component to implement the reCAPTCHA
template: `<ng2-google-recaptcha
export class BasicComponent {
private recaptchaSiteKey = 'YOUR-RECAPTCHA-SITE-KEY-HERE';
private onCaptchaComplete(response: any) {
console.log('reCAPTCHA response recieved:');
Once BasicComponent.onCaptchaComplete
is called, the response element will contain the following attributes
- success: True is the request succeeded, False otherwise
- token: The validation token which can be used to validate the users response
- recaptcha: The ng2-google-recpatcha instance this response was generated on
If the users response times out, BasicComponent.onCaptchaComplete
will be automatically called with a failed response and a null token, requiring the user to restart the process.
When specifying <ng2-google-recaptcha>
you can pass through the following additional properties
- captchaStyle: An object containing the style of the reCAPTCHA to render (see the code example below)
- renderDelay: A delay (in milliseconds) before the reCAPTCHA renders on screen (defaults to 500ms)
- recaptchaId: When using multiple reCAPTCHA elements, a unique ID that identifies this element
template: `<ng2-google-recaptcha
export class BasicComponent {
private recaptchaSiteKey: string = 'YOUR-RECAPTCHA-SITE-KEY-HERE';
private delayToRender: number = 1000; // A one second delay before rendering this element
private thisRecaptchaId: string = 'this-is-my-unique-id'; // ID to uniquely identify this reCAPTCHA
// Style to use - all properties are optional and the style can be ommitted completely
private recaptchaStyle = {
theme: 'dark', // Uses the Dark theme for this reCAPTCHA
type: 'audio', // Use the audio version for user verification
size: 'compact', // Use the compact style
tabindex: 0, // Tab Index for this element
private onCaptchaComplete(response: string) {
console.log('reCAPTCHA response recieved:');
If you require the user to redo the reCAPTCHA, you can call resetRecaptcha
which will reload the reCAPTCHA and call the onCaptchaComplete
callback with a null token allowing it to be reset.
// ...
export class BasicComponent {
// How you get hold of the reCAPTCHA instance is up to you
private recaptchaInstance: CreateRecaptchaComponent;
// Function called after we have used the reCAPTCHA token
private serverResponse() {
// ...
// If we received an error requiring the reCAPTCH to be done again,
// reset the element causing the previous token to be reset
// ...
Check out the repository, browse to the './samples' folder and run npm install
to install all the required dependancies.
Note: Running npm install
on the sample project requires that Python 2.7.x is available on the command line as it runs a couple of Python scripts to correctly set up the npm_modules folder.
ng2-google-recaptcha is developed in Visual Studio Code so once npm install
has finished you should be able to open the './samples' folder in VS Code and it will run out of the box (by default it uses lite-server which is installed as part of npm install
If you are not using Visual Studio Code, browse to the './samples' folder and run tsc
to build the application. Then open your local server of choice pointing to ./samples as the root directory.
- Added ability to reset the reCAPTCH using CreateRecaptchaComponent:resetRecaptcha
- Initial release