Mastermind is a game where players have 10 attempts to guess the location of 4 numbers
To run npm/yarn, you will need Node.js. You can go on official Node.js website and download the installer.
If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command.
$ node -v # check if node is installed
v10.16.0 # version number
$ npm -v # check if npm is installed
6.14.12 # version number
After downloading node/npm, you should be able to run the following:
$ cd [workspace directory]
$ git clone
$ cd mastermind-game
$ npm install
$ npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view project in the browser.
- Player selects a difficulty.
- Player has 10 attempts to guess the location of 4 numbers in limited time.
- After each attempt player has 10 seconds to view their results.
- Game ends when player runs out of attempts or matches all numbers.
- Easy - Timer: 30 seconds, Keyboard Numbers: 0-5
- Medium - Timer: 25 seconds, Keyboard Numbers: 0-7
- Hard - Timer: 20 seconds, Keyboard Numbers: 0-9
- Display how many attempts player has.
- Generate 4 random integers using Random.Org API.
- Numbers must be between 0-7.
- Player need a way to guess 4 random numbers - make keyboard for mobile users.
- Results need to be shown after Player has made 4 guesses.
- Player needs a way to continue game after results displayed.
- Number of attempts needs to be updated each turn.
- Player must have a way to view previous results.
- Notify player when game is over.
- Minimalist approach
- Desktop & Mobile friendly
- Reveal answers when game is over
- Player is only allowed 4 guesses per attempt.
- Game is not over until player has matched all 4 random numbers or player has 0 attempts left.
- Player who has matched all 4 random numbers in the least amount of attempts has their number of attempts stored in "Best Score"
- Difficulty Levels
- Instructions
- Timer
- Animations
- Media Queries
- Local Storage
- Show player history on Results Screen
- Improve animations
- Sound
- Different design for desktop
- Sass - CSS preprocessor
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- React.js - Javascript Framework
- Random.Org - Random number generator API