- for tables and figures use \cref{key}
- for equations use (\ref{key}) or Eqn.(\ref{key})
- For CPV just use CPV
- For C, P or T operators use
$\hat{C}$ - For C,P or T numbers use
$C$ , depends on context - For CP use
$CP$ - For CPT use
$CPT$ - For CPV just use CPV
- For references use: Name - "title" - other stuff
- and use \cite{key}
Group project on CPV for HEPP class
- John Ronayne
- Kevin Maguire
- Sinead Hales
- Dudley Grant ([email protected])
To Do:
- Set (second) weekly time for meeting
- Get everyones email addresses
- Add git hub tutorial to fb group
- Added "bracket" package for bra's and ket's
- Added "mathtools" package for define equals sign