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Kevin Brewster edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

Dataset is a [CAShapeLayer] ( subclass and thus you can change it's strokeColor and fillColor properties among others.


var xAxis: Axis
var yAxis: Axis

var label: String

The string that is displayed on the labelLayer. Changing this will automatically update the legend.

var data: [CGFloat]

The data for the dataset. Changing this will automatically refresh the graph.

var defaultPoint: CAShapeLayer

The template for all points on the line. You can change any CAShapeLayer properties (e.g. strokeColor, lineWidth). Changing any properties will automatically refresh all points.

var color: CGColor

This is a convenience property which, when set, will (a) set the strokeColor to given color and (b) set the fillColor to a very transparent version of the given color, and (c) update the defaultPoint fillColor and (d) update the legendMarker fillColor

var legendElement: CALayer
var legendMarker: CAShapeLayer
var legendLabel: CATextLayer

The legendElement is a container for the legendMarker and legendLabel, which is displayed in the top-right of graph when legendEnabled is true. legendLabel is automatically updated when the Dataset.label property is changed. legendMarker is automatically updated when the Dataset.color property is changed.

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