Small Rapid Data Distribution via a Message Broker
The US Geological Survey (USGS) National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) has designed a system to distribute small and rapid earthquake data (often unassociated) such as near-real-time picks, beam back azimuth/slowness, detections from cross-correlation and other detection methods detections, and other appropriate messages between seismic acquisition and processing systems. This system uses the Apache Kafka open source message broker to distribute messages.
This repository contains the client libraries used to connect, send to, and receive from the NEIC Kafka Broker Cluster.
hazdev-broker currently provides client libraries written in C++11 and Java 1.7, and an Apache Kafka docker image.
The design of hazdev-broker is outlined in the design and requirements documents.
- See the C++ README.
- See the Java README.
Files to build an Apache Kafka docker image are stored in docker-kafka
docker run -d --name docker-kafka -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=`hostname` usgs/docker-kafka
- run container in background--name docker-kafka
assign name to container-p 2181:2181
expose zookeeper port-p 9092:9092
expose kafka broker port-e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME=`hostname`
specify hostname to be used by clientsusgs/docker-kafka
the image on Docker Hub
docker restart docker-kafka
cd docker-kafka
docker build -t usgs/docker-kafka:latest .