Test under windows system, system's default charset is GBK(china), so if your system is not default GBK, you need to modify the code a little.
- Easy to export excel 2013's xlsx file to csv:
- columns saperated by comma and quotes
- support utf8 encoded chars in csv. while python's official "csv" module only support ASCII encoding.
- easy to use (GUI and simple)
for developers, this project requires the following modouls: 1. software dependences:
- the python version >2.7,
- PyQt4,
- pyexcel_xlsx
- unicodecsv
- pyinstaller
for pyexcel_xlsx and unicodecsv and pyinstaller, You can install it via pip:
> pip install unicodecsv pyexcel_xlsx pyinstaller
> cd xlsx2csv_gui
> .\build_exe_with_pyinstaller.bat or double click build_exe_with_pyinstaller.bat to build exe
pyexcel-xlsx project for supporting me on pyinstaller packaging issue
New BSD License