This repository contains a Keptn Project for the Folding At Home Client. The Kubernetes Manifests are based on richstokes/k8s-fah.
- Kubernetes Cluster (1.14, 1.15) with Keptn 0.6.1 installed
- Download (or clone) this repository
Please find configuration options for the FAHClient in fah-cpu/templates/deployment.yaml:
- "/usr/bin/FAHClient"
- "--allow=0/0:7396"
- "--web-allow=0/0:7396"
- "--user=Keptn" # auto generated for the cluster
- "--team=259797" # Keptn Team ID
- "--run-as"
- "1234"
- "--pid-file=/var/lib/fahclient/"
- "--power=full"
- "--gpu=false"
keptn create project folding-at-home --shipyard=shipyard.yaml
keptn onboard service fah-cpu --project=folding-at-home --chart=./fah-cpu
keptn send event new-artifact --project=folding-at-home --service=fah-cpu
keptn delete project folding-at-home
kubectl delete namespace folding-at-home-prod