This is unsible. An lightweight ansible rip off for those who can't install ansible or don't want to....
- Create a python3 virtual enviornment: python3 -m venv ve
- Activate the virtual environment: source ve/bin/activate
- Upgrade pip: pip install --upgrade pip
- Install depencencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure the virtual environment is activated, step 2 above:
Display help:
./ -h Unsible FE ver 22.01.2024.01 - A Junos PyEZ cli frontend usage: [-h] [-d HOST] [--hostlist HOSTLIST] [-l LIMIT] [-i INVENTORY_FILE] [-u USERNAME] [-p] [--list-hosts] [--list-vars] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--separate] {cli,configure,commit,rollback,copyto,inventory,storage} ...
positional arguments: {cli,configure,commit,rollback,copyto,inventory,storage} commands cli Run a cli command configure Configure a device interactively commit Perform a commit on a device rollback Perform a rollback 1 and a commit on a device copyto Copy a file to a device using scp inventory Do a "show chassis hardware" on the device storage cleanup system storage on device
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d HOST, --host HOST Hostname or IP address of device to check. --hostlist HOSTLIST Filename with hostnames or IP addresses to check. -l LIMIT, --limit LIMIT Limit hosts to a subset of matching hosts -i INVENTORY_FILE, --inventory-file INVENTORY_FILE Ansible inventory directory. -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME name of user to connect to hubs with -p, --password prompt for password --list-hosts Output matching hosts, but don't excecute anything. --list-vars Output matching hosts and any variables they may inherit. --output-file OUTPUT_FILE Write all output to a file that starts with the prefix --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR Write all output files into this directory (must exist) --separate Write output to separate file per device
Unsible needs a device or set of devices to operate on. It can read from a basic ansible invetory, or the device or a list can be specified from the command line with the "-d" switch or a file with a list of IP addresses can be used with the --hostlist switch.
Specify the username to login to the device with -u, and -p to be prompted for the device password. Then specify one of the following commands:
cli, configure, commit, rollaback, copyto, inventory, or storage
cli runs a cli command:
unsible on main [✘!] via 🐍 v3.8.10 (ve) ❯ ./ -d -u copek -p cli "show version" Unsible FE ver 22.01.2024.01 - A Junos PyEZ cli frontend Password:
Connecting to (
Hostname: SRX300-KELLAR Model: srx300 Junos: 21.4R3-S5.4 JUNOS Software Release [21.4R3-S5.4]
unsible on main [✘!] via 🐍 v3.8.10 (ve)took 12s ❯
Running the same command on multiple hosts. Ip addresses are contained in the /tmp/myhosts file, one IP address per line.
❯ ./ --hostlist /tmp/myhosts -u copek -p cli "show version" Unsible FE ver 22.01.2024.01 - A Junos PyEZ cli frontend Password:
Connecting to (
Hostname: SRX300-KELLAR Model: srx300 Junos: 21.4R3-S5.4 JUNOS Software Release [21.4R3-S5.4]
Connecting to (
Executing cli command "show version" on --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hostname: EX2200-48P Model: ex2200-48p-4g Junos: 15.1R7-S13 JUNOS EX Software Suite [15.1R7-S13] JUNOS FIPS mode utilities [15.1R7-S13] JUNOS Online Documentation [15.1R7-S13] JUNOS EX 2200 Software Suite [15.1R7-S13] JUNOS Web Management Platform Package [15.1R7-S13]
unsible on main [✘!] via 🐍 v3.8.10 (ve)took 20s
The configure command allows you to use a file full of {} or set commands to configure devices. By default, unsible will configure the device, then display a diff and ask the user for confirmation if the configuration should be commited. If the configuration file is in set format, specify with the -s switch, -y will skip the user interaction, and -c with an integer in minutes will do a commmit confirmed instead of a commit. -h will display more help on the configure sub commands.
An example, configuring the set commands in the /tmp/commands.set file, the first device will have a commit confirmed of 11 minutes, and the second will be skipped
❯ cat /tmp/commands.set set interfaces ge-0/0/0 description "UNUSED PORT" set interfaces ge-0/0/1 description "DISABLED" set system ntp server
unsible on main [✘!] via 🐍 v3.8.10 (v
❯ ./ --hostlist /tmp/myhosts -u copek -p configure -s /tmp/commands.set Unsible FE ver 22.01.2024.01 - A Junos PyEZ cli frontend Password:
Connecting to (
set interfaces ge-0/0/0 description "UNUSED PORT" set interfaces ge-0/0/1 description "DISABLED" set system ntp server
Configuration locked. Configuration successfully loaded. Results of a show configuration | compare rollback 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CONFIGURATION DIFFERENCES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[edit system ntp] server { ... }
- server; [edit interfaces ge-0/0/0]
- description EX2200C:ge-0/0/11;
- description "UNUSED PORT"; [edit interfaces ge-0/0/1]
- description DISABLED;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CONFIGURATION DIFFERENCES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Commit on (yes to commit,integer to commmit confirmed) Proceed?11 Commiting with confirmation timer of 11 minutes. Remember to perform another commit or these changeswill rollback. Commit successful. Configuration unlocked.
Connecting to (
set interfaces ge-0/0/0 description "UNUSED PORT" set interfaces ge-0/0/1 description "DISABLED" set system ntp server
Configuration locked. Configuration successfully loaded. Results of a show configuration | compare rollback 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CONFIGURATION DIFFERENCES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[edit interfaces ge-0/0/0]
- description "ALIENWARE LAPTOP";
- description "UNUSED PORT"; [edit interfaces ge-0/0/1]
- description "TEMP - KID PC";
- description DISABLED;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CONFIGURATION DIFFERENCES%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Commit on (yes to commit,integer to commmit confirmed) Proceed?n Aborting commit on Configuration unlocked.
unsible on main [✘!] via 🐍 v3.8.10 (ve)took 1m27s
The commit command just performs a commit on the target device(s). This is useful for commiting after commit confirms.
The rollback command will rollback the config, and then commiit it. The default is a rollback of 1, but with -r you can specify different rollback numbers.
Example: Do a rollback 3 on a device
./ -d -u username -p rollback -r 3
The copyto command copys a file to the target device(s). This is useful for stating OS images.
❯ ./ --hostlist /tmp/myhosts -u copek copyto -h Unsible FE ver 22.01.2024.01 - A Junos PyEZ cli frontend usage: copyto [-h] [-d DESTINATION] source_file
positional arguments: copyto Copy a file to a device using scp source_file File to copy to devices (with optional path)
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DESTINATION, --destination DESTINATION Filename or directory to copy source file to on device
Exampe: copy the junos imaage in the /tmp dir on the host to the /var/tmp dir on the target devices:
./ --hostlist /tmp/myhosts -u copek copyto /tmp/junos-srxsme-21.4R3-S7.tgz -d /var/tmp
The inventory command performs a "show chassis hardware" on the target devices. The --xml switch can be used as a subcommand to save the output in xml format.
./ --hostlist /tmp/myhosts -u user -p --output-file myinventory.txt inventory
./ --hostlist /tmp/myhosts -u user -p --output-file myinventory.txt inventory --xml
The storage command does a simple "request system storage cleanup" on the target devcies.