Long-Lived Particle Ntupler based on AOD, adapted for use with HBHE rechits for Run 3 LLP analysis.
cmsrel CMSSW_<>
mkdir cms_lpc_llp
cd cms_lpc_llp
git clone [email protected]:kennedykiley/Run3-HCAL-LLP-NTupler.git
cd Run3-HCAL-LLP-NTupler
git checkout -b <your-branch>
Setup grid proxy
voms-proxy-init --rfc --voms cms --valid 48:00
cp /tmp/x509up_u101898 /afs/cern.ch/user/<initial>/<name>
chmod 777 /afs/cern.ch/user/<initial>/<name>/x509up_u101898
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/common/crab-setup.sh
Or use the bash shortcuts (if setup):
scram b -j 8
If there is an error of the form edmWriteConfigs: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
, try moving to lxplus8 and recompiling with scram b clean; scram b -j 8
Ntupler runs on data and MC, specifying which as an argument to cmsRun
. The HCAL LLP skim is EXOLLPJetHCAL, in the dataset DisplacedJet. This can be found on DAS with the query dataset=/DisplacedJet/Run2023*EXOLLPJetHCAL*/AOD
. The input file list can be made by running
dasgoclient --query="file dataset=/DisplacedJet/Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4/AOD" > InputData_Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4.txt
Can also add specifications to ensure files are on DISK, such as site=T1_US_FNAL_Disk
. CRAB job submission will cause a TAPE recall if the entire dataset is on TAPE, otherwise need to create a Rucio rule.
The H->XX->4b MC for 2022 are on DAS for 125 GeV, mX = 15 (2M total events) and 350 GeV, mX = 80 (0.5M total events)
dataset=/ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV/lpclonglived-crab_PrivateProduction_Summer22_DR_step2_RECOSIM_ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV_batch1_v1-59a22edf0600a784f6c900595d24e883/USER instance=prod/phys03
The samples produced in 2024 have higher LLP masses, with 125 GeV (mX = 50), 250 GeV (mX = 120), and 350 GeV (mX = 160). Batch 1 has 1M events and 10k files per sample (100 events per file). Batch 2 has higher stats, with 3M events total and 10k files per sample (300 events per sample). In the crab config, set: units per job = 50
, n jobs = 200
, which will work for both batch 1 and batch 2.
On command line, can be found via:
dasgoclient --limit=100 --query="file dataset=/ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV/lpclonglived-crab_PrivateProduction_Summer22_DR_step2_RECOSIM_ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV_batch1_v1-59a22edf0600a784f6c900595d24e883/USER instance=prod/phys03" >> output_file_name.txt
Test by running small numbers of events for testing:
cd run
# HCAL LLP skim
cmsRun ../python/DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer.py isData=True isSignal=False processEvents=200 inputFiles=InputData_Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4.txt debug=False outputFile=ntuple_output_data_Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4.root
# MC signal
cmsRun ../python/DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer.py isData=False isSignal=True processEvents=200 inputFiles=InputSignalFilesTest.txt debug=False outputFile=ntuple_output_test_signal1.root
If there are issues with file access (''failed to open fiele at URL''), check on DAS if the data has been moved to TAPE. A temp workaround before they are accessible is to only use ones on disk.
Use CRAB to submit jobs (remember to change the Data / Signal flags in DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer.py
!). Note that the number
in the CRAB python script must be changed for each job to run over all the datasets input.
cd python
# note that for crab jobs (MC and data), the variables "signal" and "data" must be set by hand now in python/DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer.py
# note that as of February 2024, the crab submissions ONLY work on lxplus 7, with crab-pre submit
crab submit -c crab_DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer_MC_cfg.py
crab submit -c crab_DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer_QCD_cfg.py
crab submit -c crab_DisplacedHcalJetNTuplizer_cfg.py
Useful CRAB commands:
crab submit -c <crab_cfg.py file> --dryrun
crab status -d <crab_directory>/<crab_project> --long
crab checkwrite --site T2_US_Wisconsin
Output ntuples are in /hdfs/store/user/gkopp/ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH*
Check event content with
edmDumpEventContent root://cmsxrootd.fnal.gov/</store/path/to/file.root> > EDM_content.txt
- isData: False if running signals, True if running data
- isSignal: True if running signals, False if running data
- in particular, isSignal and isData need to be set in the file for a crab submission!
- TODO: determine how to pass via config
- readGenVertexTime: False for LLP samples
After ntuples are made, they are used in the LLP_NuplerAnalyzer, from here
lxplus location (Gillian):
Many earlier files have been moved to python/Archive
The High MET skim we start with from 2022 data are here on DAS.
# Done once to setup environment
cmsrel CMSSW_12_4_6
cd CMSSW_12_4_6/src
git clone -b run3 [email protected]:cms-lpc-llp/llp_ntupler.git cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/displacedJetMuon.*
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/displacedJetTiming_ntupler.*
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/displacedJetTiming_aux.cc
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/llp_ntupler*
# Fix python print statements in cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/multi_crab_ntuples.py and cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/multi_crab_resubmit.py to make compatible with python 3
# crab scripts are giving errors, move them so they are still avaliable for reference:
mv cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/multi_crab_resubmit.py cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/multi_crab_resubmit.py.old
mv cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/multi_crab_ntuples.py cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/multi_crab_ntuples.py.old
scram b -j 8
cd cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler