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LLP Ntupler

Long-Lived Particle Ntupler based on AOD, adapted for use with HBHE rechits for Run 3 LLP analysis.

Setup Ntupler

cmsrel CMSSW_<>
mkdir cms_lpc_llp
cd cms_lpc_llp
git clone [email protected]:kennedykiley/Run3-HCAL-LLP-NTupler.git
cd Run3-HCAL-LLP-NTupler
git checkout -b <your-branch>

Run the ntuples

Setup grid proxy

voms-proxy-init --rfc --voms cms --valid 48:00
cp /tmp/x509up_u101898 /afs/<initial>/<name>
chmod 777 /afs/<initial>/<name>/x509up_u101898
source /cvmfs/

Or use the bash shortcuts (if setup):



scram b -j 8

If there is an error of the form edmWriteConfigs: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, try moving to lxplus8 and recompiling with scram b clean; scram b -j 8.

Location of data and MC

Ntupler runs on data and MC, specifying which as an argument to cmsRun. The HCAL LLP skim is EXOLLPJetHCAL, in the dataset DisplacedJet. This can be found on DAS with the query dataset=/DisplacedJet/Run2023*EXOLLPJetHCAL*/AOD. The input file list can be made by running

dasgoclient --query="file dataset=/DisplacedJet/Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4/AOD" > InputData_Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4.txt

Can also add specifications to ensure files are on DISK, such as site=T1_US_FNAL_Disk. CRAB job submission will cause a TAPE recall if the entire dataset is on TAPE, otherwise need to create a Rucio rule.

The H->XX->4b MC for 2022 are on DAS for 125 GeV, mX = 15 (2M total events) and 350 GeV, mX = 80 (0.5M total events)

dataset=/ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV/lpclonglived-crab_PrivateProduction_Summer22_DR_step2_RECOSIM_ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV_batch1_v1-59a22edf0600a784f6c900595d24e883/USER instance=prod/phys03


The samples produced in 2024 have higher LLP masses, with 125 GeV (mX = 50), 250 GeV (mX = 120), and 350 GeV (mX = 160). Batch 1 has 1M events and 10k files per sample (100 events per file). Batch 2 has higher stats, with 3M events total and 10k files per sample (300 events per sample). In the crab config, set: units per job = 50, n jobs = 200, which will work for both batch 1 and batch 2.




On command line, can be found via:

dasgoclient --limit=100 --query="file dataset=/ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV/lpclonglived-crab_PrivateProduction_Summer22_DR_step2_RECOSIM_ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-15_CTau1000_13p6TeV_batch1_v1-59a22edf0600a784f6c900595d24e883/USER instance=prod/phys03" >> output_file_name.txt

Running the ntupler

Test by running small numbers of events for testing:

cd run
# HCAL LLP skim
cmsRun ../python/ isData=True isSignal=False processEvents=200 inputFiles=InputData_Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4.txt debug=False outputFile=ntuple_output_data_Run2023C-EXOLLPJetHCAL-PromptReco-v4.root

# MC signal 
cmsRun ../python/ isData=False isSignal=True processEvents=200 inputFiles=InputSignalFilesTest.txt debug=False outputFile=ntuple_output_test_signal1.root

If there are issues with file access (''failed to open fiele at URL''), check on DAS if the data has been moved to TAPE. A temp workaround before they are accessible is to only use ones on disk.

Use CRAB to submit jobs (remember to change the Data / Signal flags in!). Note that the number in the CRAB python script must be changed for each job to run over all the datasets input.

cd python
# note that for crab jobs (MC and data), the variables "signal" and "data" must be set by hand now in python/
# note that as of February 2024, the crab submissions ONLY work on lxplus 7, with crab-pre submit
crab submit -c 
crab submit -c 
crab submit -c

Useful CRAB commands:

crab submit -c < file> --dryrun
crab status -d <crab_directory>/<crab_project> --long
crab checkwrite --site T2_US_Wisconsin

Output ntuples are in /hdfs/store/user/gkopp/ggH_HToSSTobbbb_MH*.

Check event content with

edmDumpEventContent root://</store/path/to/file.root> > EDM_content.txt

Variables to check before running ntupler:

  • isData: False if running signals, True if running data
  • isSignal: True if running signals, False if running data
    • in particular, isSignal and isData need to be set in the file for a crab submission!
    • TODO: determine how to pass via config
  • readGenVertexTime: False for LLP samples

Ntuple use

After ntuples are made, they are used in the LLP_NuplerAnalyzer, from here


lxplus location (Gillian):



Many earlier files have been moved to python/Archive.

The High MET skim we start with from 2022 data are here on DAS.

Initial setup of CMSSW & clone the ntupler from CMS LPC area:

# Done once to setup environment
cmsrel CMSSW_12_4_6
cd CMSSW_12_4_6/src
git clone -b run3 [email protected]:cms-lpc-llp/llp_ntupler.git cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/displacedJetMuon.*
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/displacedJetTiming_ntupler.*
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/
rm cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/plugins/llp_ntupler*

# Fix python print statements in cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/ and cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/ to make compatible with python 3

# crab scripts are giving errors, move them so they are still avaliable for reference:
mv cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/ cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/
mv cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/ cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler/python/crab_scripts/

scram b -j 8

cd cms_lpc_llp/llp_ntupler


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