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React Native Init

This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.

Important Setup

This is basic installation and important setup before begin code for react-native.

1. Install Babel Plugin

This is for change the default of the folder directory

$ npm install babel-plugin-module-resolver --save-dev

Create file .babelrc on directory root with the code below

  "plugins": [
        "root": ["./src"],
        "alias": {
        "assets": "./src/assets",
        "components": "./src/components",
        "constants": "./src/constants",
        "locales": "./src/locales",
        "screens": "./src/screens",
        "helpers": "./src/helpers",
        "navigations": "./src/navigations",
        "extensions": [".js", ".ios.js", ".android.js"],
        "cwd": "packagejson"

Create file jsconfig.json on directory root with the code below

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "src"
  "include": ["src"]

2. Register Font Family

Create file react-native.config.js on directory root with the code below

module.exports = {
  project: {
	ios: {},
	android: {},
  assets: ['./src/assets/fonts/Gotham/'],

After this copy your assets font to**"./src/assets/fonts/Gotham"**this directory. I recommend you to use .otf file. and then run react-native link.

3. Enable Hermes Engine

Enabling Hermes will result in improved start-up time, decreased memory usage, and smaller app size. to setup hermes engine go to file /android/app/build.gradle open it and change code with the code below

project.ext.react = [
	enableHermes: true,  // change to true
def enableHermes = project.ext.react.get("enableHermes", true); // change to true,

After this clean and rebuild your project.

4. Start The Project
$ npm install //dont forget to install node_modules first
$ npx react-native run-android //for android
$ npx react-native run-ios //for ios

To see the complete documentation for using modules you can visit /documentation.


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