Releases: kektram/Keks-menu
Kek's menu
Kek's menu
Updated to gta 1.68
Blacklist now ignores ip ""
This extends to all blacklist features that manages it. ip becomes an unique string in the blacklist file
Kek's menu
Changed all kicks back to new force_remove_player function
"Player features -> Vehicle -> Teleport to" now able to teleport people not in a vehicle again
"!tp chat command" now able to teleport people not in a vehicle again
Teleport session reworked around new teleport function
!kill chat command now goes through interior godmode [there are some interiors it won't work on
Kek's menu
Fixed a bug with menyoo map/vehicle spawner & ini spawner having peds with invisible torsos.
Changed back to script event bail kick [force_remove patched]
- Uses host kick if possible
Removed "Big while loops crash" [Patched]
Removed transaction error [Patched]
Removed perico teleport [Patched]
Removed forcing of players into vehicles [Patched]
Kek's menu
Updated for v2824 (1.66 online)
Added a few more hints
New features
Set wanted level for session
Kek's menu
Removed dismiss / ban / terminate ceo session
Patched by Rockstar
Updated objects list
Fixed xml parser failing to handle BOM files
Fixed "Send menyoo vehicle attacker" not searching through the folder hierarchy
Fixed blacklist marking people for detections when joining a new session
Fixed bad feedback when missing all library files
Fixed ipv4 to decimal conversations
Menyoo saver now correctly saves whether entities were frozen or not
Removed script loader
Renamed some old and added new driving style settings
Anti-chat spam's "same messages in a row", now requires 12 messages in a row if message is under 10 characters
Previously 4 messages in a row
New features
Added hints to features that needs extra explanation
Readded modded name detection
Display model names above entities
Kek's menu
Kek's menu bug fix update
Removed teleport session to "far away" & "mount chiliad & kill"
Bug fixes
Fixed error when trying to load 2take1 ini vehicles
Fixed error in respawn vehicle / respawn vehicle for session, if inputted vehicle is invalid
Fixed errors that co-loaders get due to some unnecessary assertions
Fixed menyoo maps spawning entities in wrong positions
Fixed wrong rgb colors in ini/menyoo vehicle spawner
Reworked teleport session
Reworked blacklist
Kek's menu
Kek's menu bug fix update
Bug fixes
Fixed error on start-up in ped mapper, if you're co-loading
Auto adjusting text now scales down if text is too big for the screen
The script no longer wraps menu.add_feature & menu.add_player_feature globally
Fixed error on startup for people using the Korean translation
Fixed searching menu features, raising error for 2take1 standard users
Added a chinese branch with chinese README & changelogs
"Move mini map to people you spectate" Now toggles on "Disable out of bounds death"
A 2take1 feature which prevents you from dying while you spectate people
Fixed everything that draws stuff on screen, not adapting to resolutions
If you play the game in 1440p, you were not affected
Fixed error that would sometimes occur while clearing your personal vehicles
"Expected only vehicles in user_vehicles table."
Fixed menyoo / ini vehicle error when the file tries to set an invalid wheel type.
The game handles invalid wheel types gracefully, so there wasn't a need to raise an error for it.
Kek's menu
Anti chat spoof
Modded name detection
Send to random mission
Log chat & use as chatbot
!removeweapon chat command
Bug fixes
Autoexec causing trusted mode not enabled errors despite it being on. You have to delete your old autoexec for the changes to apply.
Numerous incompatibility issues with other scripts
"Nearby cars have no collision" turning off collision too slowly & not removing collision from attachments
"Shoot entity| get model name of entity", getting ped instead of vehicle
Vehicle gun error if you have no personal vehicle
Chatbot & chat judger integrity checker being absurdly slow, causing seconds of freezing
Give car godmode stopping the player's vehicle
Menyoo map-> "Set where you spawn" not working on maps saved by the script
Menyoo/ini spawners setting rotations wrong
Fixed 30k loop
Whitelisting people now also whitelists them from malicious features
Send army now also sends a jet
Script event features now work on yourself
Teleports now works when players aren't in a vehicle
Chat judger, Chat logger, anti chat spam & chat commands now takes chat spoofing into account
Chat commands rework
Ini vehicles & menyoo maps now supports folders
Folders are always on top of the list
"Refresh" now refreshes all files in current folder & its sub-directories.
New features
!bounty chat command
!jet chat command
Send kek chopper to session
Send jet to session
Menyoo map saver->Save only mission entities
Added 12-hour clock option to time OSD
Display session location info [country, city]
Counts how many times people run Kek's menu
Automatically sends errors to me
Search features rework
Translate chat
Set languages to not translate
Set language to translate to
Input text to translate
Translate your messages {
Send to team/all chat
Meant for chinese/korean/russian users, because "Input text to translate" won't accept unicode.
The script now updates itself in-game.
Join the kek's menu discord
Kek's menu stats:
Kek's menu
Fixed people being able to spawn certain new vehicles that crash your game with chat commands