Number | Title | Tags | Difficulty |
993 | Number of Recent Calls | Queue | Easy |
100 | Same Tree | Tree | Easy |
101 | Symmetric Tree | Tree | Easy |
104 | Â Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
107 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | Tree | Eazy |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Tree | Easy |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
112 | Path Sum | Tree | Easy |
226 | Invert Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Tree | Easy |
257 | Binary Tree Paths | Tree | Easy |
404 | Sum of Left Leaves | Tree | Easy |
437 | Path Sum III | Tree | Easy |
501 | Find Mode in Binary Search Tree | Tree | Easy |
530 | Minimum Absolute Difference in BST | Tree | Easy |
538 | Convert BST to Greater Tree | Tree | Easy |
543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
563 | Binary Tree Tilt | Tree | Easy |
572 | Subtree of Another Tree | Tree | Easy |
606 | Construct String from Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
617 | Merge Two Binary Trees | Tree | Easy |
637 | Average of Levels in Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
653 | Two Sum IV - Input is a BST | Tree | Easy |
669 | Trim a Binary Search Tree | Tree | Easy |
671 | Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
687 | Longest Univalue Path | Tree | Easy |
700 | Search in a Binary Search Tree | Tree | Easy |
783 | Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes | Tree | Easy |
872 | Leaf-Similar Trees | Tree | Easy |
897 | Increasing Order Search Tree | Tree | Easy |
938 | Range Sum of BST | Tree | Easy |
965 | Univalued Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
993 | Cousins in Binary Tree | Tree | Easy |
1022 | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Tree | Easy |
102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | Tree | Medium |
98 | Validate Binary Search Tree | Tree | Medium |
1 | Two Sum | Array | Easy |
53 | Maximum Subarray | Array | Easy |
118 | Pascal's Triangle | Array | Easy |
119 | Pascal's Triangle II | Array | Easy |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Array | Easy |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Array | Easy |
169 | Majority Element | Array | Easy |
189 | Rotate Array | Array | Easy |
217 | Contains Duplicate | Array | Easy |
219 | Contains Duplicate II | Array | Easy |
448 | Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array | Array | Easy |
485 | Max Consecutive Ones | Array | Easy |
509 | Fibonacci Number | Array | Easy |
561 | Array Partition I | Array | Easy |
566 | Reshape the Matrix | Array | Easy |
581 | Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray | Array | Easy |
628 | Maximum Product of Three Numbers | Array | Easy |
643 | Maximum Average Subarray I | Array | Easy |
665 | Non-decreasing Array | Array | Easy |
674 | Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence | Array | Easy |
697 | Degree of an Array | Array | Easy |
717 | 1-bit and 2-bit Characters | Array | Easy |
724 | Find Pivot Index | Array | Easy |
746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Array | Easy |
747 | Largest Number At Least Twice of Others | Array | Easy |
766 | Toeplitz Matrix | Array | Easy |
830 | Positions of Large Groups | Array | Easy |
832 | Flipping an Image | Array | Easy |
867 | Transpose Matrix | Array | Easy |
888 | Fair Candy Swap | Array | Easy |
896 | Monotonic Array | Array | Easy |
905 | Sort Array By Parity | Array | Easy |
922 | Sort Array By Parity II | Array | Easy |
941 | Valid Mountain Array | Array | Easy |
977 | Squares of a Sorted Array | Array | Easy |
985 | Sum of Even Numbers After Queries | Array | Easy |
989 | Add to Array-Form of Integer | Array | Easy |
999 | Available Captures for Rook | Array | Easy |
1002 | Find Common Characters | Array | Easy |
1010 | Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 | Array | Easy |
1013 | Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum | Array | Easy |
1051 | Height Checker | Array | Easy |
1089 | Duplicate Zeros | Array | Easy |
283 | Move Zeroes | Array | Easy |
445 | Assign Cookies | Array | Easy |
11 | Container With Most Water | Array | Medium |
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays | Array | Hard |
17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | Array | Medium |
22 | Generate Parentheses | Array | Medium |
46 | Permutations | Array | Medium |
47 | Permutations II | Array | Medium |
136 | Single Number | BitManipulation | Easy |
190 | Reverse Bits | BitManipulation | Easy |
191 | Number of 1 Bits | BitManipulation | Easy |
231 | Power of Two | BitManipulation | Easy |
342 | Power of Four | BitManipulation | Easy |
389 | Find the Difference | BitManipulation | Easy |
405 | Convert a Number to Hexadecimal | BitManipulation | Easy |
461 | Hamming Distance | BitManipulation | Easy |
476 | Number Complement | BitManipulation | Easy |
693 | Binary Number with Alternating Bits | BitManipulation | Easy |
762 | Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation | BitManipulation | Easy |
20 | Valid Parentheses | Stack | Easy |
225 | Implement Stack using Queues | Stack | Easy |
232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | Stack | Easy |
682 | Baseball Game | Stack | Easy |
844 | Backspace String Compare | Stack | Easy |
205 | Isomorphic Strings | HashTable | Easy |
290 | Word Pattern | HashTable | Easy |
349 | Intersection of Two Arrays | HashTable | Easy |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | HashTable | Easy |
409 | Longest Palindrome | HashTable | Easy |
438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | HashTable | Medium |
447 | Number of Boomerangs | HashTable | Easy |
463 | Island Perimeter | HashTable | Easy |
500 | Keyboard Row | HashTable | Easy |
575 | Distribute Candies | HashTable | Easy |
594 | Longest Harmonious Subsequence | HashTable | Easy |
599 | Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists | HashTable | Easy |
645 | Set Mismatch | HashTable | Easy |
705 | Design HashSet | HashTable | Easy |
706 | Design HashMap | HashTable | Easy |
720 | Longest Word in Dictionary | HashTable | Easy |
748 | Shortest Completing Word | HashTable | Easy |
771 | Jewels and Stones | HashTable | Easy |
811 | Subdomain Visit Count | HashTable | Easy |
884 | Uncommon Words from Two Sentences | HashTable | Easy |
953 | Verifying an Alien Dictionary | HashTable | Easy |
961 | N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array | HashTable | Easy |
1078 | Occurrences After Bigram | HashTable | Easy |
1160 | Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters | HashTable | Easy |
92 | Reverse Linked List II | LinkedList | Medium |
141 | Linked List Cycle | LinkedList | Easy |
141 | Add Two Numbers | LinkedList | Medium |
142 | Linked List Cycle II | LinkedList | Medium |
69 | Sqrt(x) | Math | Easy |
50 | Pow(x, n) | Math | Medium |
168 | Excel Sheet Column Title | Math | Easy |
171 | Excel Sheet Column Number | Math | Easy |
172 | Factorial Trailing Zeroes | Math | Easy |
204 | Count Primes | Math | Easy |
258 | Add Digits | Math | Easy |
263 | Ugly Number | Math | Easy |
367 | Valid Perfect Square | Math | Easy |
441 | Arranging Coins | Math | Easy |
728 | Self Dividing Numbers | Math | Easy |
754 | Reach a Number | Math | Medium |
868 | Binary Gap | Math | Easy |
883 | Projection Area of 3D Shapes | Math | Easy |
892 | Surface Area of 3D Shapes | Math | Easy |
942 | DI String Match | Math | Easy |
976 | Largest Perimeter Triangle | Math | Easy |
1009 | Complement of Base 10 Integer | Math | Easy |
1103 | Distribute Candies to People | Math | Easy |
1154 | Day of the Year | Math | Easy |
1175 | Prime Arrangements | Math | Easy |
1217 | Play with Chips | Math | Easy |
1232 | Check If It Is a Straight Line | Math | Easy |
78 | Subsets | Backtracking | Medium |
77 | Combinations | Backtracking | Medium |
89 | Gray Code | Backtracking | Medium |
93 | Restore IP Addresses | Backtracking | Medium |
79 | exist | Backtracking | Medium |
51 | N-Queens | Backtracking | Hard |
39 | Combination Sum | Backtracking | Medium |
216 | Combination Sum III | Backtracking | Medium |
12 | Integer to Roman | String | Medium |
13 | Roman to Integer | String | Easy |
28 | Implement strStr() | String | Easy |
38 | Count and Say | String | Easy |
58 | Length of Last Word | String | Easy |
67 | Add Binary | String | Easy |
125 | Valid Palindrome | String | Easy |
345 | Reverse Vowels of a String | String | Easy |
383 | Ransom Note | String | Easy |
387 | First Unique Character in a String | String | Easy |
434 | Number of Segments in a String | String | Easy |
443 | String Compression | String | Easy |
459 | Repeated Substring Pattern | String | Easy |
520 | Detect Capital | String | Easy |
521 | Longest Uncommon Subsequence I | String | Easy |
541 | Reverse String II | String | Easy |
551 | Student Attendance Record I | String | Easy |
557 | Reverse Words in a String III | String | Easy |
657 | Robot Return to Origin | String | Easy |
686 | Repeated String Match | String | Easy |
709 | To Lower Case | String | Easy |
788 | Rotated Digits | String | Easy |
804 | Unique Morse Code Words | String | Easy |
819 | Most Common Word | String | Easy |
824 | Goat Latin | String | Easy |
917 | Reverse Only Letters | String | Easy |
929 | Unique Email Addresses | String | Easy |
3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | String | Medium |
5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | String | Medium |
62 | Unique Paths | DP | Medium |
64 | Minimum Path Sum | DP | Medium |
70 | Climbing Stairs | DP | Easy |
198 | House Robber | DP | Easy |
213 | House Robber II | DP | Medium |
300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | DP | Medium |
303 | Range Sum Query - Immutable | DP | Easy |
392 | Is Subsequence | DP | Easy |
413 | Arithmetic Slices | DP | Medium |
516 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | DP | Medium |
208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | Trie | Medium |
212 | Word Search II | Trie | Medium |
go test -v -bench=./bit_test.go TestSingleNumber