Author: Keitaro Yamashita. Japanese version is here.
KAMO is the program for automated processing and merging of (MX) crystal diffraction data. Basically KAMO uses XDS package, but it supports DIALS and Aimless optionally. Currently, the development is focused on processing and merging of small wedge data (5-10°/crystal).
KAMO is designed for online analysis for SPring-8 MX beamlines; however, it can be used offline for local data. Please let me know if you need support for your beamline/detector.
This manual is for 2018-02-22.
What does KAMO mean? 'Kamo' itself means a mallard in Japanese. KAMO is an acronym of Japanese words standing for "the system to process thoroughly-collected data in a better way than manually" (Katappashikara Atsumeta data wo Manual yorimoiikanjide Okaeshisuru).
KAMO uses following programs and libraries.
- CCTBX with CBFlib (essential)
- wxPython 2.8, Matplotlib 1.3, Networkx, Numpy, SciPy (essential)
- XDS, xdsstat, H5ToXds (H5ToXds is only required for EIGER data)
- CCP4 (BLEND, Pointless, Aimless, Ctruncate)
- R with rjson (required for BLEND)
- DIALS (not fully-supported yet)
KAMO is still under development and may have many many bugs on interface or functions. If you had any troubles, please do not hesitate to contact author.
The data in the directory where GUI started will be all processed (includes sub-directories).
If you want to process data in specific sub-directory, give the directory names like include_dir=hoge-1111-\*
or give the list file containing the directory names.
case 1: online analysis of small wedge at BL32XU
kamo bl=32xu
case 2: online analysis of data collected with ZOO (automatic system) at BL32XU
kamo bl=32xu mode=zoo
case 3: offline analysis of local data (KAMO will find directories. In above cases, datasets will be found using BSS log files)
kamo bl=other
Use -h
option to see help and list of all parameters.
For processing old data on beamline, for example, give date=2015-12-31
to find data collected from the specified date to two days before (by default date=today
When bl=other
, the date parameter is ignored and files in specified directory are processed.
KAMO automatically finds datasets and start processing when the program started.
The processing results are saved in the directory specified by workdir=
(default: _kamoproc/), which has the same directory as data directory, and in prefix_startimage-endimage/ XDS/DIALS is run. Example is below:
└ mydata/ <- Assuming KAMO started here
├ sample1/
│ ├ data1_000{001..180}.img
│ └ data2_000{001..360}.img
├ sample2/
│ ├ data3_000{001..180}.img
│ └ data4_000{001..360}.img
└ _kamoproc/ <- Automatically created (use workdir= option to change)
├ sample1/ <- the same structure as data directory
│ ├ data1_1-180/ <- working directory for data processing program
│ └ data2_1-360/
└ sample2/
├ data3_1-180/
└ data4_1-360/
The meaning of the table column labels. Click the column label to sort.
Column | Explanation |
Path | Relative path of dataset |
Sample ID | Unipuck ID (Well ID) |
Wavelength | wavelength (A) |
TotalPhi | Total rotation range (°) |
DeltaPhi | Rotation width per 1 frame (°) |
Cstatus | data collection status (never/running/finished) |
Pstatus | data processing status (never/running/giveup/finished) |
Cmpl. | Dataset completeness |
SG | Space group estimated |
Resn. | Estimated resolution limit (unreliable for small-wedge cases) |
- Select all target data using the checkboxes (no problem if selecting failed ones), click
Multi merge strategy
button, and wait for a while - The data with the same lattice (reindexing is taken into account) are grouped, and sorted by the number of datasets
- Select the group to be merged and its symmetry. The most frequent symmetry is chosen by default. Choose the correct one if known.
- Click Proceed button, and look at the terminal. The datasets processed with different symmetry are reprocessed with the specified symmetry.
- Completed when "Do It Yourself!" appeared. Keep in mind the reindex operator(s) if existed. Indexing ambiguity can be resolved using
. - Go to the working directory for merging, and modify and start the script. The scrip (for example is automatically prepared like this:
# settings
dmin=2.8 # resolution
anomalous=false # true or false
lstin=formerge.lst # list of XDS_ASCII.HKL files
use_ramdisk=true # set false if there is few memory or few space in /tmp
# _______/setting
kamo.multi_merge \\
workdir=blend_${dmin}A_framecc_b+B \\
lstin=${lstin} d_min=${dmin} anomalous=${anomalous} \\
space_group=None \\
program=xscale xscale.reference=bmin xscale.degrees_per_batch=None \\
reject_method=framecc+lpstats rejection.lpstats.stats=em.b+bfactor \\
clustering=blend blend.min_cmpl=90 blend.min_redun=2 blend.max_LCV=None blend.max_aLCV=None \\
max_clusters=None xscale.use_tmpdir_if_available=${use_ramdisk} \\
# batch.engine=sge batch.par_run=merging batch.nproc_each=8 nproc=8 batch.sge_pe_name=par
- When this script is started, first the hierarchical clustering analysis by BLEND is performed. The clusters with high completeness (>90%) are subjected to merging. First simply run xscale to merge (run_01/), and find the bad frames based on the CC between the merged result and intensities on each frame. From the merging result after excluding the bad frames (run_02/), bad datasets are detected based on B scale and error model's b value, and the merging result without bad datasets is saved in run_03/. This is the final result. In each run_*/ccp4 mtz and the log files of ctruncate and phenix.xtirage are saved.
- When processing is over, report.html in the working directory (blend_*/) can be viewed with web browser. All final results can be visually inspected. Based on the results, re-execute the script by changing high resolution limi if needed. For refinement, empirically, the result with the largest CC1/2 should be appropriate (we welcome your feedback).
Like P6, P4, or even in P2 with β~90°, when the lattice symmetry is higher than space group symmetry, the indexing ambiguity problem exists. This must be resolved when merging multiple crystals.
This procedure should be done before the merging command above Only when reindex operator is displayed in KAMO GUI.
kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity formerge.lst
performs reindexing and writes formerge_reindexed.lst.
For kamo.multi_merge give lstin=formerge_reindexed.lst
Default is method=selective_breeding
(Kabsch's "Selective Breeding" algorithm), which does not need reference data.
You can also use method=brehm_diederichs
(Algorithm 2 in Brehm and Diederichs paper), which does not need it either.
When you want to use reference data, choose method=reference
and give reference MTZ file by reference_file=
Two modes available:
- Find job information from log file of BSS (for online analysis)
- Find datasets from filesystem (may be very slow; up to your filesystem performance)
When bl=other
, the latter mode works.
In the former mode, date=
parameter is used to decide the BSS log file names. In this case, any renamed or moved datasets cannot be found.
Indexing is performed using XDS. Basically XDS.INP is the same as produced by generate_XDS.INP, but all frames are used for indexing. When indexing failed, the following things are considered:
- Looking at difference vector clustering in IDXREF.LP; double the cell length if it seems to be halved.
- Try to index using the cell and symmetry if previously known
Concerning the decision of symmetry, first INTEGRATE.HKL is analyzed by pointless, and then XDS_ASCII.HKL is analyzed too. If results are not consistent, the one with larger probability is employed.
High resolution cutoff should be determined by user, but inclusion of much noise at higher resolution shell may affect scaling. KAMO cuts resolution at CC1/2 < 0.5 and the scaled result is saved as XDS_ASCII.HKL/CORRECT.LP (displayed on GUI). The result without any resolution cutoff is saved separately as XDS_ASCII_fullres.HKL/CORRECT_fullres.LP.
When small_wedges=true
, another special version is prepared as XDS_ASCII.HKL_noscale, where the empirical correction in CORRECT job is switched off, which means no scaling because symmetry-related reflections are too few). This result is used in merging process. XDS_ASCII.HKL/XDS_ASCII_fullres.HKL are scaled results as usual.
- For selected datasets, the unit cell in P1 is compared to each other, and checked if they are equivalent.
- Construct a graph where datasets with equivalent cells are connected, and datasets are grouped.
- For each group, the possible space group symmetries are listed based on its lattice symmetry.
- The frequency of actually deduced symmetry for wedges is listed as well.
- When a user chooses group number and symmetry, each result (XDS_ASCII.HKL_noscale) is transformed to the selected symmetry (reindexing and change of unit cell parameters).
- Sometimes there are multiple candidates sharing the same space group (but different unit cell parameters). Decide using the frequencies and prior knowledge if any.
XDS_ASCII.HKL_noscale files will be overwritten when reindexing. You cannot prepare multiple symmetry candidates at the same time (Sorry).You can do that by checking "into the workdir" as files are copied to the working directory.
- Check and notify if index ambiguity exits.
Basically, the program
- performs hierarchical clustering based on unit cell or pairwise CC, and clusters with high completeness are detected
- scaling and merging of all datasets using XSCALE (run_01)
- detects and removes bad frames (run_02)
- detects and removes bad datasets (run_03)
BLEND or CC-based clustering is available. See the original document and paper for BLEND.
When clustering=cc
, CC-based clustering is invoked. Relevant options are cc_clustering.b_scale=
(if scale data by Wilson-B before CC calculation) and cc_clustering.use_normalized=
(if normalized structure factor is used).
Use cc_clustering.d_min=
to limit the resolution. Currently only datasets which have common reflections with all others can be used. Probably not useful for low-symmetry crystals.
Correlation coefficient is calculated between merged all-data and each frame. Based on the CC, the bad frames are discarded (when reject_method=framecc
By default rejection.framecc.method=tukey rejection.framecc.iqr_coeff=1.5
, which detects outliers by Tukey's criterion (1.5*IQR). You can change this; for example rejection.framecc.method=abs rejection.framecc.abs_cutoff=0.9
to use absolute threshold.
Bad datasets are detected using statistics in XSCALE.LP (reject_method=lpstats
By default, B scale and error model's b value is subjected to Tukey's outlier detection (rejection.lpstats.stats=em.b+bfactor rejection.lpstats.iqr_coeff=1.5
). You can also give pairwise_cc
to rejection.lpstats.stats=
. pairwise_cc
is to remove datasets which give bad CC (by default CC<0.8; rejection.lpstats.pwcc.method=abs rejection.lpstats.pwcc.abs_cutoff=0.8
, but optionally Tukey's method can be used).
This affects overall B-factor of merged data. In XSCALE, the first INPUT_FILE= is used as reference. In KAMO, by default xscale.reference=bmin
, which selects data with smallest B (that has smallest intensity fall-off w.r.t. resolution in XDS) as reference.
If you want to check all, click "Check all" button. Alternatively, click two checkboxes keeping Shift-key pressed to check all in-between items.
Use include_dir=
or exclude_dir
. Multiple directories can be specified by repeating include_dir=
. Alternatively a list file (*.lst) can be specified.
You can give it when KAMO starts:
kamo known.unit_cell=10,20,30,90,90,90 known.space_group=p222
Please make sure to give pace_group as well. The unit cell parameters are used in indexing as prior information. If not indexed with the cell, the data processing will not proceed. Note that you cannot use this parameter when you have more than one kind of crystals.
Please carefully use this function since sometimes this leads to worse result.
Please prepare the file named kamo_override.config
in the image file directory, which will be interpreted by the program. Example below (don't write information which is not need to be overridden):
wavelength= 1
distance= 100
orgx= 2500
orgy= 2500
osc_range= 0.1
rotation_axis= -1 0 0
Please use run_03/ccp4/xscale.mtz. If run_03/ is not there, run_* with the largest number is the final one.
kamo.multi_merge first calculates completeness and multiplicity for each cluster just after clustering procedure, and performs merging procedudures including outlier rejections. The completeness/multiplicity shown first and those of final results are different due to rejections.
You can easily install KAMO using DIALS/PHENIX environment as DIALS/PHENIX includes CCTBX and its dependencies (No need to install CCTBX by yourself).
- Install CCP4, R (with rjson package), XDS, Adxv (optional)
- For installation of XDS/XDSSTAT, see XDSwiki/Installation
- If you will process EIGER data (h5 files), H5ToXds is needed
- rjson can be installed as follows; after installation of R, start R program from user who installed R (root or an account for software installation), and then type
- Install DIALS
- Install networkx to dials.python
cd $DIALS/build
./bin/libtbx.python -mpip install networkx zmq
- Run the following commands
cd $DIALS/modules
git clone
cd $DIALS/build
./bin/libtbx.configure yamtbx
After installation, run
to check if dependencies are all installed.
cd $DIALS/modules/yamtbx
git pull
Basically, the same as above; but specify always bl=other
to find image files from filesystem.
kamo bl=other [batch.sge_pe_name=par]
In addition, give SGE's parallel environment (the strings you usually write after qsub -pe; by default par). If no SGE environment and you want to run it only on local computer, give maximum job number instead:
kamo bl=other batch.engine=sh batch.sh_max_jobs=2
Goniometer rotation axis is, if header does not have that information, recognized in the same way as generate_XDS.INP which uses header information.
If you want to specify the rotation axis, you can give reverse_phi=false
(or true
) or rotation_axis=1,0,0
Alternatively, when use_dxtbx=true
, dxtbx is used to recognize beamline geometry.
Here an instruction for beamline staff is described.
For the online use at non-SPring-8 sites, an option dataset_paths_txt=
has been added to KAMO. This works with bl=other
A file path should be given to this option, and the text file should include dataset template, start/end frame numbers in each line (separated by commas).
The example follows:
# comment line
/hoge/fuga/180730/01/data1_??????.img, 1, 360
/hoge/fuga/180730/02/data2_??????.img, 1, 3600
KAMO can start data processing immediately if a data collection program updates this text file just after the collection.
This text file is regularly checked with an interval specified by logwatch_interval=
(30 sec by default).
In conclusion, start KAMO like this if the text file name is dataset_paths.txt:
kamo bl=other dataset_paths_txt=dataset_paths.txt logwatch_interval=10
Please cite following paper.
- Yamashita, Hirata, and Yamamoto (2018) "KAMO: towards automated data processing for microcrystals." Acta Cryst. D74 doi: 10.1107/S2059798318004576.
You can also cite this documentation's URL:
Please also cite literatures of internally used programs like XDS, DIALS, POINTLESS, BLEND.
- Lu et al. (2020) "B/N-Doped p-Arylenevinylene Chromophores: Synthesis, Properties, and Microcrystal Electron Crystallographic Study." Journal of the American Chemical Society doi: 10.1021/jacs.0c10337 CCDC: 2033443 Raw data: Zenodo#3909305
- Xu et al. (2020) "Binding pathway determines norepinephrine selectivity for the human β1AR over β2AR" Cell Research doi: 10.1038/s41422-020-00424-2 PDB: 7BVQ 7BU7 7BU6 7BTS
- Hasegawa et al. (2020) "A unique clade of light-driven proton-pumping rhodopsins evolved in the cyanobacterial lineage" Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73606-y PDB: 6LM0 6LM1
- Tanaka et al. (2020) "Structural basis for unique color tuning mechanism in heliorhodopsin" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.06.124 PDB: 7CLJ Raw data: Zenodo#3871080
- Endo et al. (2020) "Development of Novel AKR1C3 Inhibitors as New Potential Treatment for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer" Journal of Medicinal Chemistry doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00939 PDB: 7C7F 7C7G 7C7H
- Maeki et al. (2020) "Room-temperature crystallography using a microfluidic protein crystal array device and its application to protein–ligand complex structure analysis" Chemical Science doi: 10.1039/d0sc02117b PDB:
- Katoh et al. (2020) "Ribosomal synthesis and de novo discovery of bioactive foldamer peptides containing cyclic β-amino acids" Nature Chemistry doi: 10.1038/s41557-020-0525-1 PDB: 6L63
- Shiimura et al. (2020) "Structure of an antagonist-bound ghrelin receptor reveals possible ghrelin recognition mode" Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17554-1 PDB: 6KO5 6KS2
- Yoshiwara et a. (2020) "Crystal structure of bacterial L-arabinose 1-dehydrogenase in complex with L-arabinose and NADP+" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.07.071 PDB: 7CGR 7CGQ
- Tanaka et al. (2020) "Crystal structure of a YeeE/YedE family protein engaged in thiosulfate uptake" Science advances doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aba7637 PDB: 6LEO 6LEP
- Watanabe et al. (2020) "Biochemical and Structural Characterization of l-2-Keto-3-deoxyarabinonate Dehydratase: A Unique Catalytic Mechanism in the Class I Aldolase Protein Superfamily" Biochemistry doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00515 PDB: 7C0C 7C0D 7C0E
- Miyagi et al. (2020) "The discovery of a new antibody for BRIL-fused GPCR structure determinatio" Scientific reports doi: PDB: 7C61 7C6A
- Yonemura et al. (2020) "Systematic Evolution of Decoy Molecules for the Highly Efficient Hydroxylation of Benzene and Small Alkanes Catalyzed by Wild-Type Cytochrome P450BM3" ACS Catalysis doi: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01951 PDB:
- Sugiyama et al. (2020) "Structural comparison of the C-terminal domain of functionally divergent lyssavirus P proteins" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.05.195 PDB: 7C20 7C21
- Watanabe et al. (2020) "Functional and structural characterization of a novel L-fucose mutarotase involved in non-phosphorylative pathway of L-fucose metabolism" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.05.094 PDB: 7BYU 7BYW
- Imaizumi et al. (2020) "Crystal structure of chalcone synthase, a key enzyme for isoflavonoid biosynthesis in soybean" Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics doi: 10.1002/prot.25988 PDB: 7BUS 7BUR
- Jiang et al. (2020) "Structural basis for blocking sugar uptake into the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum" Cell doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.015 PDB: 6M20 6M2L
- Hamada et al. "Spiro-Conjugated Carbon/Heteroatom-Bridged p-Phenylenevinylenes: Synthesis, Properties, and Microcrystal Electron Crystallographic Analysis of Racemic Solid Solutions." Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan doi: 10.1246/bcsj.20200065 CCDC: 1986103 Raw data: Zenodo#3686381
- Umeda et al. (2020) "Structural insights into tetraspanin CD9 function" Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15459-7 PDB: 6K4J Raw data: Zenodo#3716303
- Kitadokoro et al. (2020) "Crystal structure of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus lipase complex with the anti-obesity drug orlistat" Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-62427-8 PDB: 6KSI, 6KSL, and 6KSM
- Minato et al. (2020) "Biochemical and structural characterization of a thermostable Dps protein with His‐type ferroxidase centers and outer metal‐binding sites" FEBS Open Bio doi: 10.1002/2211-5463.12837
- Wu et al. (2020) "Full-length human GLP-1 receptor structure without orthosteric ligands" Nature communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14934-5 PDB: 6LN2
- Yamaguchi et al. (2020) "Crystal structure of Drosophila Piwi" Nature Communications doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14687-1 PDB: 6KR6 Raw data: Zenodo#3603539
- Yoshizawa et al. (2020) "Crystal structures of the cell-division protein FtsZ from Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli" Acta Cryst. F doi:10.1107/S2053230X2000076X PDB: 6LL5 6LL6
- Izume et al. (2020) "Crystal structure of human endothelin ETB receptor in complex with sarafotoxin S6b" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.12.091 PDB: 6LRY Raw data: Zenodo#3603541
- Asada et al. (2019) "The Crystal Structure of Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor with Endogenous Peptide Hormone" Structure doi:10.1016/j.str.2019.12.003 PDB: 6JOD
- Sugishima et al. (2019) "Crystal structure of phytochromobilin synthase in complex with biliverdin IXα, a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of phytochrome" Journal of Biological Chemistry doi:10.1074/jbc.RA119.011431 PDB: 6KME 6KMD
- Vuckovic et al. (2019) "Crystal structure of the M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor" PNAS doi:10.1073/pnas.1914446116 PDB: 6OL9
- Shihoya et al. (2019) "Crystal structure of heliorhodopsin" Nature doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1604-6 PDB: 6IS6 Raw data: Zenodo#3333323
- Liu et al. (2019) "Mechanism of β2AR regulation by an intracellular positive allosteric modulator" Science doi: 10.1126/science.aaw8981 PDB: 6N48
- Nagiri et al. (2019) "Crystal structure of human endothelin ETB receptor in complex with peptide inverse agonist IRL2500" Communications Biology doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0482-7 PDB: 6K1Q Raw data: Zenodo#2803553
- Liu et al. (2019) "Structural Insights into the Process of GPCR-G Protein Complex Formation" Cell doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.04.021 PDB: 6E67 6EG8
- Nagamura et al. (2019) "Structural basis for oligomerization of the prokaryotic peptide transporter PepTSo2." Acta Cryst. F doi: 10.1107/S2053230X19003546 PDB: 6JKC 6JKD Raw data: Zenodo#2533841
- Inoue et al. (2019) "Structural Basis of Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2b Regulation via Transmembrane Helix Interplay." Cell Reports doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.03.106 PDB: 5ZTF
- Hashimoto et al. (2019) "Protein encapsulation in the hollow space of hemocyanin crystals containing a covalently conjugated ligand." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.04.062
- Umeda et al. (2019) "Crystallization of the human tetraspanin protein CD9." Acta Cryst. F doi: 10.1107/S2053230X1801840X
- Kato et al. (2019) "Crystal structure of plant vacuolar iron transporter VIT1." Nature Plants doi:10.1038/s41477-019-0367-2 PDB: 6IU3 6IU4 6IU5 6IU6 6IU8 6IU9 Raw data: Zenodo#2532136 Zenodo#2532134 Zenodo#2532138
- Terakado-Kimura et al. (2019) "Structures of the 5-HT2A receptor in complex with the antipsychotics risperidone and zotepine." Nature Structural & Molecular Biology doi:10.1038/s41594-018-0180-z PDB: 6A93 6A94
- Morimoto et al. (2019) "Crystal structure of the endogenous agonist-bound prostanoid receptor EP3." Nature Chemical Biology doi: 10.1038/s41589-018-0171-8 PDB: 6AK3 Raw data: CXIDB#91
- Toyoda et al. (2019) "Ligand binding to human prostaglandin E receptor EP4 at the lipid-bilayer interface." Nature Chemical Biology doi: 10.1038/s41589-018-0131-3 PDB: 5YWY 5YHL Raw data: Zenodo#1173791
- Suno et al. (2018) "Structural insights into the subtype-selective antagonist binding to the M2 muscarinic receptor." Nature Chemical Biology doi: 10.1038/s41589-018-0152-y PDB: 5ZK8 5ZKC 5ZKB 5ZK3 5YC8 Raw data: Zenodo#1172266 Zenodo#1094808
- Shihoya et al. (2018) "Crystal structures of human ETB receptor provide mechanistic insight into receptor activation and partial activation." Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07094-0 PDB: 6IGK 6IGL Raw data: SBDB/611 SBDB/612
- Oda et al. (2018) "Crystal structure of the red light-activated channelrhodopsin Chrimson." Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06421-9 PDB: 5ZIH Raw data and processing note: link
- Tanaka et al. (2018) "Crystal structure of Escherichia coli YidC revealing all core regions, including flexible C2 loop." Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2018.09.043 PDB: 6AL2
- Shimizu et al. (2018) "GEF mechanism revealed by the structure of SmgGDS-558 and farnesylated RhoA complex and its implication for a chaperone mechanism." PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1804740115 PDB: 5ZHX Raw data: Zenodo#1134209
- Kim et al. (2018) "Crystal structure of the natural anion-conducting channelrhodopsin GtACR1." Nature doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0511-6 PDB: 6CSM Raw data and processing note: link
- Kato et al. (2018) "Structural mechanisms of selectivity and gating in anion channelrhodopsins." Nature doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0504-5 PDB: 6CSN 6CSO Raw data and processing note: link
- Ganasen et al. (2018) "Structural basis for promotion of duodenal iron absorption by enteric ferric reductase with ascorbate." Communications Biology doi: 10.1038/s42003-018-0121-8 PDB: 5ZLE 5ZLG Raw data and processing note: link
- Maestre-Reyna et al. (2018) "Twist and turn: a revised structural view on the unpaired bubble of class II CPD photolyase in complex with damaged DNA." IUCrJ doi: 10.1107/S205225251800996X PDB: 5ZCW
- Franz et al. (2018) "Structure of the bifunctional cryptochrome aCRY from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii." Nucleic Acids Research doi: 10.1093/nar/gky621 PDB: 5ZM0
- Asada et al. (2018) "Crystal structure of the human angiotensin II type 2 receptor bound to an angiotensin II analog." Nature Structural & Molecular Biology doi: 10.1038/s41594-018-0079-8 PDB: 5XJM
- Tsuyuguchi et al. (2018) "Crystal structures of human CK2α2 in new crystal forms arising from a subtle difference in salt concentration." Acta Cryst. F doi: 10.1107/S2053230X18005204 PDB: 5Y9M
- Furukawa et al. (2018) "Remote Coupled Drastic β-Barrel to β-Sheet Transition of the Protein Translocation Motor." Structure doi: 10.1016/j.str.2018.01.002 PDB: 5YHF
- Negishi et al. (2018) "Supramolecular protein cages constructed from a crystalline protein matrix." Chemical Communications doi: 10.1039/C7CC08689J PDB: 5YR1 5YR9 5YRA 5YRB 5YRC 5YRD Raw data: Zenodo#1470889
- Hori et al. (2018) "Na+-mimicking ligands stabilize the inactive state of leukotriene B4 receptor BLT1." Nature Chemical Biology doi: 10.1038/nchembio.2547 PDB: 5X33 Raw data and processing note: link
- Suno et al. (2018) "Crystal Structures of Human Orexin 2 Receptor Bound to the Subtype-Selective Antagonist EMPA." Structure doi: 10.1016/j.str.2017.11.005 PDB: 5WQC Raw data and processing note: link
- Miyauchi et al. (2017) "Structural basis for xenobiotic extrusion by eukaryotic MATE transporter." Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01541-0 PDB: 5Y50 Raw data and processing note: link
- Abe et al. (2017) "Structure of in cell protein crystals containing organometallic complexes." Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. doi: 10.1039/C7CP06651A PDB: 5YHA 5YHB Raw data: Zenodo#1470891
- Lee et al. (2017) "Structure of the triose-phosphate/phosphate translocator reveals the basis of substrate specificity." Nature Plants doi: 10.1038/s41477-017-0022-8 PDB: 5Y78 5Y79 Raw data and processing note: link
- Tanaka et al. (2017) "Crystal Structure of a Plant Multidrug and Toxic Compound Extrusion Family Protein." Structure doi: 10.1016/j.str.2017.07.009 PDB: 5XJJ
- Shihoya et al. (2017) "X-ray structures of endothelin ETB receptor bound to clinical antagonist bosentan and its analog." Nature Structural & Molecular Biology doi: 10.1038/nsmb.3450 PDB: 5XPR 5X93 Raw data and processing note: link
- Taniguchi et al. (2017) "Structural insights into ligand recognition by the lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA6." Nature doi: 10.1038/nature23448 PDB: 5XSZ Raw data and processing note: link
- Abe et al. (2017) "Crystal Engineering of Self-Assembled Porous Protein Materials in Living Cells." ACS Nano doi: 10.1021/acsnano.6b06099 PDB: 5GQM 5GQN Raw data and processing note: link
Dates when the code became available on GitHub are shown
- 2022-03-27
- added Python 3 and slurm support (dropped python 2 support)
- kamo.multi_merge: fixed an infinite-loop bug
- 2021-05-18
- KAMO: Add DIALS >=2 support
- 2021-04-27
- Update installation notes (networkx and python 2 related)
- Support networkx 2.2 (the last version to support python 2)
- KAMO: allow non-existing directories (when program started) for include_dir
- 2020-01-06
- Fix for XDS BUILT=20191015 where SNRC= parameter was introduced and MINIMUM_I/SIGMA= was obsoleted in XSCALE.
- kamo.multi_prep_merging: dispatched as a command (the same function as Multi-merge button in KAMO GUI)
- KAMO: bug fix for split_data_by_deg option when multi-trigger data
- 2019-10-05
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: fix for filtering.choice=cell (not actually excluded unless there is indexing ambiguity)
- KAMO: tentative support for Eiger2 at SLS (need use_dxtbx=true and dials 1.14.12 or later)
- 2019-09-05
- KAMO: change DATA_RANGE= if first frames have zero or too weak counts (for a rare trouble of EIGER)
- KAMO: dataset_paths_txt mode as default. do not shorten frame numbers automatically. do not wait for all data h5 files if not needed.
- kamo.multi_merge: safe guard for figure size when cc_clustering
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: select group based on reference symmetry
- 2019-06-17
- kamo.multi_merge: bug fix for rejection by bfactor (reported by Dr. Shimamura)
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: add cell-based filtering option (filtering.choice=cell)
- KAMO: allow comment lines (starting with #) in dataset_paths_txt=.
- KAMO: For XDS with EIGER or PILATUS, set SEPMIN=4 CLUSTER_RADIUS=2 by default.
- 2019-05-20
- kamo.test_installation: support new xdsstat
- KAMO: bug fix in plotting spot numbers, support of scan_varying (DIALS), support of online use at BL45XU.
- 2019-03-02
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: add option to specify preferred unit cell and symmetry
- kamo.test_installation: changed h5 reading test due to cctbx#282
- 2018-07-30
- KAMO: dataset_paths_txt= option was added for online use at non-SPring-8 sites
- 2018-05-22
- kamo.test_installation: fixed a bug introduced in 2018-04-25 (did not work before Numpy 1.11)
- Bug fixes in file preparation for merging
- 2018-04-25
- Updated this doc with published KAMO paper
- kamo.test_installation: updated H5ToXds test by actually running a program
- 2018-02-22
- kamo.multi_merge: added an option cc_clustering.min_common_refs= to set the minimum acceptable number of common reflections.
- Improved least-square fitting for CC1/2 vs resolution curve.
- Bug fix in LCV calculation
- 2018-01-30
- KAMO: supporting XDS Nov 11, 2017 (BUILT=20171218) that does not create GXPARM.XDS when refinement unsuccessful.
- kamo.multi_prep_merging: sort filenames in formerge.lst etc.
- kamo.multi_merge: better error handling and setting minimum figure size in cc_clustering.
- 2017-12-26
- KAMO: default rejection parameter in merging script; no rejection is based on b+B. bug fix in filter_cell.R.
- kamo.multi_merge: in cc_clustering now don't use R, but SciPy (>=0.18.1 is required) for cluster analysis. rejects data if the number of common reflections is less than 3. now can choose cc_to_distance functions and linkage methods.
- kamo.multi_merge:
is now True by default; changed behaviour of this option to just estimate the cutoff based on curve-fitting of CC1/2 vs d-2, not actually cut.
- 2017-12-03
- kamo.multi_merge cc_clustering: severe bug fix when unused data files existed (typical when low space group symmetry). Additionally note that we virtually (unintentionally) did clustering using sqrt(1-cc) with ward.D2 method, which was actually an appropriate way because sqrt(2-2CC)) can be used as a "distance".
- kamo.multi_merge: proper error handling and report html fix in anisotropic analysis.
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: postrefine= parameter is now obsolete and cell_method= should be used. code refactoring.
- KAMO: user-friendlly message when batch.engine=sge and qsub is not available. batch.sh_max_jobs=Auto is now default.
- KAMO: bug fix in logger registration (exception was ignored before)
- 2017-11-02
- KAMO: method changed to choose space group (by default use given symmetry for scaling. if not given, choose pointless result with higher probability). sanity check of given symmetry when GUI started. bug fix in html report
- kamo.multi_merge: calculate frame_cc using xscale.hkl instead of original files
- kamo.multi_merge: fixed a bug when pointless gave space group in non-reference setting
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: bug fix (did not work when batch.engine=sh), use finer step in resolution determination
- kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity: show warning if no reflections left and added option to ignore them
- 2017-10-12
- kamo: show warning if XDS is expired
- kamo.multi_merge: now d_max= works
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: available now (missed commit)
- 2017-09-30
- kamo.multi_merge: Fixed a bug in reading completeness and R-values from table of XSCALE.LP (numbers ignored after decimal point); so those numbers in summary and report html were a bit wrong (sorry)
- kamo.multi_merge: Pointless speed-up by giving data merged in P1 instead of xscale.hkl directly.
- KAMO: add correct_only choice to known.method= option, which uses given symmetry information in CORRECT only (hopefully useful when xds.repeat>1).
- kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity: changed logging format in reference-based mode (now same style as selective-breeding)
- 2017-08-31
- kamo.multi_merge: show anisotropic resolution cutoffs in HTML report.
- kamo.multi_merge: add degrees_per_batch= parameter (degrees version of frames_per_batch=).
- kamo.multi_merge: show minimum and average value of CC when cc_clustering.
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: root_dir now can be omitted in CSV file (specify datadir= for global value)
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: select best result from final runs only. use outershell CC1/2 for decision as well as overall CC1/2.
- 2017-07-22
- Support MarCCD's no-extension format like foo.0001
- 2017-07-20
- (new) kamo.multi_determine_symmetry: determines space group (point group only) from multiple (small wedge) datasets
- KAMO: new option known.method= to specify how prior cell knowledge is used (default is not_use_first that tries indexing without prior knowledge first; use_first is to use it first)
- KAMO: new option on Multi-Merge GUI to copy transformed HKL files into working directory for merging (ON by default)
- KAMO: now automatically recognizes beam center convention of ADSC detectors and goniometer rotation axis using header information.
- KAMO: (experimental) new use_dxtbx= option; when true, dxtbx is used to recognize beam, goniometer, and detector geometries.
- KAMO: now saves log file in working directory. log_root= option is not mandatory.
- KAMO: less stressful GUI (job status acquisition not blocking GUI; grouping datasets using unit cells in the background)
- kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity: selective breeding now supports parallel computation (nproc>1)
- Now basically use max_delta=5 by default in all programs.
- filter_cell.R creates plot
- 2017-05-24
- Fixed a bug introduced on 2017-03-10 (avoid failure in copying environment variables).
- 2017-05-23
- KAMO: Add DIALS support (
). - KAMO: Multiprocessing of preparation of multi-merge. New option to prepare files for joint refinement using DIALS (requires KAMO built on DIALS environment)
- kamo.multi_merge: bug fix in anisotropy analysis.
- KAMO: Add DIALS support (
- 2017-04-19
- KAMO: Added support of eiger2cbf converted CBF files. For online processing at beamline, wait until all Eiger h5 files downloaded, and added support of miniset.
- 2017-03-24
- kamo.test_installation: Fixed a problem on testing XDS. Add H5ToXds test.
- KAMO: When multi-merge strategy started, read unit cell in P1 from CORRECT.LP_noscale instead of CORRECT.LP.
- 2017-03-10
- KAMO: Fixed a Mac (El Capitan or later) specific problem where script couldn't run in local computer.
- 2017-02-16
- yamtbx.xds_aniso_analysis: New program to perform anisotropy analysis (CC1/2 and I/sigma) for XDS unmerged data (executed in kamo.multi_merge)
- KAMO: Fixed a silly bug in nproc-based determination of DELPHI= in XDS.
- kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity: fixed a bug in selective-breeding (sometimes failed maybe when small number of files?)
- kamo.multi_merge: when add_test_flag=true, first generate test set and copy them to all
- 2017-02-02
- kamo.auto_multi_merge: automatic merging for multiple samples
- kamo.multi_merge: new options (to copy test flags), resolution.estimate= (to automatically decide high resolution cutoff), use pointless to decide screws
- kamo: now blconfig= can be multiple and mode= can specify both (zoo+normal)
- 2017-01-18
- yamtbx.beam_direction_plot: fixed a bug in non-primitive space group case
- 2016-12-26
- kamo.multi_merge: add
option (used in merging). use pointless result for mtz if not specified. - kamo.multi_merge: add MULTIPLICITY column in mtz
- bug fix (change directory in qsub script)
- kamo.multi_merge: add
- 2016-12-06
- GUI: add
option, fixed a bug that plots were not updated on Mac - faster string (file name) replacement for XSCALE outputs
- kamo.resolve_indexing_ambiguity: fixed a bug when no reference_label was given
- kamo.test_installation: add Adxv test
- GUI: add
- 2016-10-05
- added
option, which could be useful for processing data including non-spots images
- added
- 2016-07-18
- use ramdisk/tmpdir for xds/xscale run
- calculate frequency of crystal symmetry taking unit cell parameters into account
- bug fix for OSX (with phenix-1.10.1?)
- bug fix on html report making
- bug fix for non-sge environment (multi_merge)
- calculate LCV & aLCV for actual set of parameters
- bug fix on parsing xtriage. anisotropy is now max(B_cart)-min(B_cart)