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  • read up to 16 push buttons
  • blink up to 16 LEDs (push button LEDs)
  • up to 16 outputs
  • connect to ethernet (DHCP)
  • connect to MQTT server
  • send mqtt message on output state change or state query
  • subscribe to mqtt and output changes
  • output state can be 0 = off, 1 = on, >1 = seconds till stop

Uses FreeRTOS port for Arduino.


  • Arduino MEGA 2560 board with W5100 ethernet shield
  • Arduino AVR Boards version 1.8.6
  • FreeRTOS version 11.0.1

Operation mode


  • when connecing to MQTT server, send mqtt message house/:id/start with payload 1 (online)


  • can be set/toggled by mqtt message on house/:id/light/:output with payload 0, 1 or number of seconds to keep output on
  • can be set/toggled by button press (actions)
  • on change, send mqtt message house/:id/light/state/:output with payload 0, 1 or number of seconds to keep output on

Button has 3 functions, each can have a different action:

  • short press (default action is toggle output for light X)
  • medium press - 1.5 seconds (default action is toggle blink mode for button LED)
  • long press - 6 seconds (default action is mqtt publish button number)

Actions that can be assigned to button short, medium and long press

Can be set by sending mqtt message house/:id/set with payload

  • asXYZ - set action short for button X (0-F), action Y (0-5), param Z (0-F)
  • amXYZ - set action medium for button X, action Y, param Z
  • alXYZ - set action long for button X, action Y, param Z

eg: as01F - set action short for button 0 to toggle output 15 (will set output 16)

  • 0: no action
  • 1: toggle output for light X
  • 2: toggle blink mode for button LED
  • 3: mqtt publish 1 on button number topic: house/:id/button/:button
  • 4: mqtt publish 2 on button number topic
  • 5: mqtt publish 3 on button number topic
On MQTT message:
  • house/:id/light/:output with payload 0 or 1: set output on or off. If :output is 0, turn off all outputs. If payload is a number > 1, set output on for that many seconds.
  • house/:id send status for all outputs that are on
  • house/:id/reset reset the device
  • house/:id/set update setting, when payload
    • 0 - reset settings to default
    • ?X - send current settings via mqtt house/:id/settings, X can be i = id, h = hostname, a[sml] = actions, b = blink modes
    • iX - set id to X eg: i1
    • hHOSTNAME - set hostname to HOSTNAME eg: hArdu
    • asXYZ - set action short for button X (0-F), action Y (0-5), param Z (0-F)
    • amXYZ - set action medium for button X, action Y, param Z
    • alXYZ - set action long for button X, action Y, param Z
    • bX, X=0..4 - set blink mode


Inputs (Buttons) from 1 to 16 (PORTA, PORTC)

  • multiplexed with button LED:

    • LED+ = 5V
    • LED- = pin
    • ButtonNO1 = pin
    • ButtonNO2 = GND
  • Arduino PINS: 22 - 29, 37 - 30

Outputs (Relays) from 1 to 16 (ADC/PORTK, PORTL)

  • Arduino PINS: A8 - A15, 42 - 49

Using Timer3 as a RTOS tick timer

FreeRTOS library changes are need, add to FreeRTOSVariant.h at LINE 66
#undef portUSE_WDTO
#undef configTICK_RATE_HZ
#undef portTICK_PERIOD_MS

#define portTICK_PERIOD_MS 15
#define configTICK_RATE_HZ  ( (TickType_t) ( 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) )
#define portSCHEDULER_ISR    TIMER3_COMPA_vect
extern void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void );

Arduino MEGA 2560 Pinout

Arduino MEGA 2560 Pinout


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