An assortment of examples of mods made for Inscryption with JSONCardLoader and my own JSON-loader mods.
A guide on how to create talking cards with JSONCardLoader. [link]
The guide above is only valid for versions 2.3.0 and onward. I added support for it myself. If you have any questions, please read the FAQ! And if that doesn't help, feel free to message me on Discord: kelly betty#7936
An opossum talking card made with JSONCardLoader. I added talking card support to it.
This talking Opossum card was originally made as an example of how to use my my TalkingCardAPI mod, which was in beta for a while as I tested adding talking card support. I have finally merged all of it into the API (starting at version 2.9.0) and into JSONCardLoader (starting at version 2.3.0), so you no longer need the TalkingCardAPI mod to run this Opossum talking card mod.
You can download it from Thunderstore here!