Ado::Manual - Developers' manual
Ado is a light on dependencies framework and application for web-projects, based on Mojolicious, written in the Perl programming language. Ado is a typical well structured, MVC Mojolicious application. It aims to allow teams to build on it a CMS, ERP, CRM or all of them integrated together.
Please note that the project is still a work-in-progress. Parts of it work, others are simply missing.
- Start a personal blog with Ado::Manual::FiveMinutes if you are impatient.
- Read the Ado::Manual::Intro for a general overview.
- To see different installation methods, go to Ado::Manual::Installation.
- To learn about plugins and how to write your own plugin, see Ado::Manual::Plugins.
After installing, you can find documentation with the perldoc command.
perldoc Ado
perldoc Ado::Manual #this page
For better experience run the ado
application and read the
documentation from your browser.
/path/to/yourAdo/bin/ado daemon
If you installed ado
in your Perl distro, you can simply type:
ado daemon
Go to http:/localhost:3000/perldoc
You can report bugs and suggest features at Bugs will be considered and fixed as time permits. Feel invited to make pull requests for your contributions.
If you are simply looking for help with using Ado, please ask your questions at
Anybody can contribute by reporting issues via github or fixing typos in the documentation. To be able to contribute with code, some rules need to be kept. This is mandatory for any community project. Generally the rules outlined in Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing apply for Ado too. For specific to Ado rules see Ado::Manual::Contributing.
We expect that you know how Internet works, how to write Perl modules and are familiar with Mojolicious.
To ease discussions on Ado further development, a forum was created.
Ado strives for strict separation of concerns. The best way to achieve this
is to fully separate the client code from the server code. Ado is ideally
suited for the purpose thanks to Mojolicious. Every resource(route) is
accessible via a browser as /path/to/resourse
an returns HTML or using
and returns JSON. We follow closely and elaborate
on the recommendations in "RESTful Service Best Practices" at See Ado::Manual::RESTAPI.
Business-specific applications for an Ado-based system are usually implemented as plugins. One way to contribute to Ado is by writing plugins.
Ado plugins work the same way as Mojolicious::Plugins and share the same
common base trough Ado::Plugin which ISA Mojolicious::Plugins. Ado
plugins have one small additional feature. They can load their own
configuration from $ENV{MOJO_HOME}/etc/plugins/plugin_name.conf
See Ado::Manual::Plugins and Ado::Plugin for more information.
We would like to know that our software is always in good health. We count on friendly developers and organizations to install and test it continuously.
Ado, Mojolicious::Guides, Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing,
Authors, ordered by contributions (
Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)([email protected])
Вълчо Неделчев (Valcho Nedelchev)([email protected])
Joachim Astel
Renee Baecker ([email protected])
Copyright 2013-2015 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov).
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0). You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are open source. However, software that includes the license may release under a different license.
See for more information.