Data repo for the Exascale collaboration between KBase and the Jacobson lab at ORNL.
File format guide: File
All in the KBase Relation Engine repo
Node and edge database schemas: spec/collections/djornl
Stored queries: spec/stored_queries/djornl
Dataset definitions: spec/datasets/djornl
Clone the relation_engine repo
git clone
Build the docker container
docker-compose -f relation_engine/docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.override.yaml build
Run the container, opening a shell in the python image:
docker-compose -f relation_engine/docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.override.yaml run re_api sh
From the python shell, start up the db server in the background:
sh scripts/ &
Use the parser to load some data; if there are no errors in the data, you will get output detailing the number of nodes and edges added to the database. The shell environment variable RES_ROOT_DATA_PATH
contains the path to the data directory containing manifest.yaml
and the data files.
is set to point to the exascale data; that dataset can be loaded into the db with the command:
python -m importers.djornl.parser
In this example, we load a small test dataset:
RES_ROOT_DATA_PATH=/app/spec/test/djornl/test_data python -m importers.djornl.parser
Successful output:
Parsing edge file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/edges.tsv
Parsing edge file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/hithruput-edges.csv
Parsing node file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/nodes.csv
Parsing node file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/pheno_nodes.csv
Parsing node file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/extra_node.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/I2_named.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/I4_named.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/test_data/I6_named.tsv
PUT /api/v1/documents -> 200 OK
Saved docs to collection djornl_node!
"created": 14,
"empty": 0,
"error": false,
"errors": 0,
"ignored": 0,
"updated": 0
PUT /api/v1/documents -> 200 OK
Saved docs to collection djornl_edge!
"created": 10,
"empty": 0,
"error": false,
"errors": 0,
"ignored": 0,
"updated": 0
If there are errors in the dataset, the parser will list them and will not perform the data load. This example dataset has duplicate node and edge data:
RES_ROOT_DATA_PATH=/app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data python -m importers.djornl.parser
Parsing edge file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/edges.tsv
Parsing edge file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/hithruput-edges.csv
Parsing node file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/nodes.csv
Parsing node file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/pheno_nodes.csv
Parsing node file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/extra_node.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/I2_named.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/I4_named.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/I6_named.tsv
Parsing cluster file /app/spec/test/djornl/duplicate_data/I6_copy.csv
hithruput-edges.csv line 5: duplicate data for edge AT1G01010__AT1G01030__protein-protein-interaction_high-throughput_AraNet_v2
hithruput-edges.csv line 9: duplicate data for edge AT1G01030__AT1G01050__pairwise-gene-coexpression_AraNet_v2
extra_node.tsv line 5: duplicate data for node AT1G01080
If you use Docker Desktop, you can open the ArangoDB image in a browser and view the data you have loaded.
Close the python shell, and then stop the docker container and all the images therein:
docker-compose -f relation_engine/docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.override.yaml down --remove-orphans
If docker is unavailable, it may still be possible to run the parser, eg:
cd exascale_data
git clone
cd relation_engine
RES_ROOT_DATA_PATH=../prerelease/ python -m importers.djornl.parser
The shell environment variable RES_ROOT_DATA_PATH
contains the path to the data directory containing manifest.yaml
and the data files.
If adding new edge types, make a pull request to the relation_engine repo with the proposed new edge types in
. -
If adding new node types, make a pull request to the relation_engine repo with the proposed new node types in
. -
Update the
file to include the new files. -
Run the parser on the new dataset to ensure that the data does not contain any errors.
Make a pull request to the exascale_data repo.