Astronomical World Coordinate System library for Julia.
This package wraps the WCSLIB C library.
julia> using WCS
# create a transformation from scratch
julia> wcs = WCSTransform(2;
cdelt = [-0.066667, 0.066667],
ctype = ["RA---AIR", "DEC--AIR"],
crpix = [-234.75, 8.3393],
crval = [0., -90],
pv = [(2, 1, 45.0)])
# ... or from a FITS header
julia> wcs_array = WCS.from_header(header)
julia> wcs = wcs_array[1]
# convert pixel -> world coordinates
julia> pixcoords = [0.0 24.0 45.0; # x coordinates
0.0 38.0 98.0] # y coordinates
julia> worldcoords = pix_to_world(wcs, pixcoords)
2x3 Array{Float64,2}:
267.965 276.539 287.771
-73.7366 -71.9741 -69.6781
# convert world -> pixel coordinates
julia> pixcoords = world_to_pix(wcs, worldcoords)
2x3 Array{Float64,2}:
1.16529e-12 24.0 45.0
-7.10543e-14 38.0 98.0
# convert a WCSTransform to a FITS header
header = WCS.to_header(wcs)
# check what underlying C library version is being used.
julia> WCS.wcslib_version()
The Julia code in this repository is distributed under the MIT license. Note that WCS.jl wraps the WCSLIB C library, which is released under the LGPL license.