OAI-PMH harvest is just the first implementation feature in ds-datahandler. More features will implemented later.
Ds-datahandler can harvest OAI from different OAI-PMH targets and ingest the metadata for the records into ds-storage. Having the metadata in ds-storage makes access much easier and faster for other applications. The metadata for each record will be UTF-8 encoded before ingested into ds-storage. Invalid XML encoding characters will be replaced or removed.
The project yaml-file contains the configuration for each OAI-PMH target.
The below table describes the parameters to configure a OAI-PMH target
Property | Description |
name | The name used to specify when starting a new import |
url | The base url to OAI-PMH service |
set | Parameter to the OAI-server if the server has multiple collections (optional) |
metadataPrefix | Parameter to the OAI-server to specify the format for the metadata. Options depend on the OAI target. |
user | User if the OAI-server require basic authentication (optional) |
password | Password if the OAI-server require basic authentication (optional) |
origin | The origin when sending records from this OAI target to ds-storage. |
The origin must be configured in DS-storage. ID will be {origin}:{id in OAI record} | |
description | Human text to give further description if needed |
For each OAI target configured you can request a full import or a delta import from the OAI collection. A full import will harvest all records from to OAI target. A delta import will only import records with a datestamp later than the last record recieved in either an earlier full import or delta import.
The yaml property file specificed a folder on the filesystem to store the last datestamps for each OAI target. The file will only contain a single line with an UTC timestamp identical to the last record successfully send ds-storage from that OAI target.
Besides all the OAI targets it must also definere the property for the folder to store the datestamps. Also the properties host,port,baseurl to the ds-storage server to submit the records to.
See: link
- Maven 3
- Java 11
Due to license, the following jar pm-dependency file must be copied to a local repository or .m2-folder. https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.kaltura/KalturaClient/3.3.1
Build with
mvn package
Create local yaml-file: Take a copy of 'ds-datastore-behaviour.yaml' and name it'ds-datastore-environment.yaml' Edit the timestamps.folder variable to where you want the timestamps store. If the folder does not exist it will be created.
Test the webservice with
mvn jetty:run
The Swagger UI is available at http://localhost:9071/ds-datahandler/api/, providing access to both the v1
version of the GUI.
Install Tomcat9 server
Configure tomcat with the context enviroment file conf/ocp/ds-datastore.xml. Notice it points to the location on the file system where the yaml and logback file are located.
Edit conf/ds-datastore.logback.xml
Make a ds-datastore.yaml file. (Make a copy of /conf/ds-datastore-environment.yaml rename it, and edit the properties). To ingest into a local ds-storage tomcat server, you need to have ds-storage running (just mvn jetty:run and change jetty port pom plugin)
This project produces a support JAR containing client code for calling the service from Java. This can be used from an external project by adding the following to the pom.xml:
<!-- Used by the OpenAPI client -->
<!-- Do not perform transitive dependency resolving for the OpenAPI client -->
after this a client can be created with
DsLicenseClient datahandlerClient = new DsLicenseClient("https://example.com/ds-datahandler/v1");
During development, a SNAPSHOT for the OpenAPI client can be installed locally by running
mvn install
See the file DEVELOPER.md for developer specific details and how to deploy to tomcat.