Testing LLM RAG with ESCO ontology data
This is a simple RAG with GUI implementation to match ESCO skills and occupations to a given free text, e.g., CV or job advertisement. Simple GUI shows LLM-suggested skills/occupations and other potential skills/occupations from the vectorstore. Suggestions are recomputed as the user accepts/declines current skills/occupations.
Repo also includes a simple GUI to test HEADAI model for ESCO and script to compute vectorstores from ESCO data.
Using the RAG requires openAI API token to use gpt-3.5 or gpt-4 models for picking relevant items. Retrieval can use both OpenAI or free Huggingface model. HEADAI model requires headai token. Both tokens are retrieved from your environmental variables (OPENAI_API_KEY and HEADAI_TOKEN).
Link to precomputed databases (GPT-3.5 and sentence-transformers/paraphrase-multilingual-MiniLM-L12-v2), available on for HH organization personnel: https://haagahelia-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/personal/h01928_haaga-helia_fi/Documents/HH_research_datasets_shared/FILES/ESCO_precomputed_databases.zip?csf=1&web=1&e=wQlodb
- install Python, LangChain and Tkinter (tested with Python 3.10.13 in Win64)
- download or create vectorstore databases
- set up correct vectorstore paths in ESCO_RAG_GUI_v2.py, you can also check and set other parameters according to your choosing (language [fi/en], LLM model, retriever model)
- execute ESCO_RAG_GUI_v2.py
- type some text (at least few sentences) into input and push submit
Note: This is just a crude, unoptimized RAG without polishing and many parameters hard-coded.