This project is for research purposes, it's not intended for production and it's not working in a production level.
This program creates a honeypot framework to disrupt malicious emails, often targeting institutions. We create a honeypot mail server, which acts as a real world entity, and, keeps the malicious scammer busy. In addition, there is also a mail forwarding system kept in place, where suspected malicious emails can be forwarded and the honeypot initiates a scripted communication sequence. The end goal is to waste time and resources of the scammers.
In this section, we describe the proposed framework, and, explain each of the components in a detailed manner. We have a primary mail server. The mail server manager is a python program which instantiates objects of the honeypot framework to create phantom identities, within the working environment. Based on prior experience on the receiving end of malicious emails, we found that such emails are usually sent in bulks, covering nearly all of a certain user group. In the context of an university, these user groups are usually the various departments. We ensure that phantom email ids are present in each of such user groups. These phantom emails should be the first ones to reply back to the scamming party. This ensures two things: (a) time and resources of the scamming organization is ensured to be wasted first, and, (b) enough time is available of the institution to aware its employees or students. There will be a mail address available within the institution, where any suspected scam mails can be forwarded.
In addition to the user based interaction, we also propose to add a
machine-learning based model to filter out most
scam mails. We use a similar
model to generate replies for the scammers. When this filter is triggered, the
primary division for spearding awareness is also notified. Figure 1 depicts the
entire proposal holistically.
┌─┼─ v0 ──┐ all potential 1. If the volume of 'f' │
┌──────────────┐ out ├─┼─ v1 ──┤ victims forward rises sharply, the │
│ Scamming ├────────┼─┼─ v2 ──┤ any suspicious management can issue │
│ Organization ├────┐ │ │ . │ emails to the awareness emails. │
└──────────────┘ in │ │ │ . │ 'f' forwarding 2. p,f starts to waste │
sends malicious │ ├─┼─ vn ──┤ email address. time and resources │
employment emails │ └─┼─ p,f ─┘ of the scammers. │
┌───────────────────┘ └──┼─┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
│ │ │
│ ┌──────────────────────────┴─┴─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ 1. We use a ma- p is the phantom email address, and, it │
│ │ chine learn- starts to reply back to the scamming o- │
│ │ ing model to rganzation. f receives the same suspic- │
│ │ filter spam ious email from all the potential vict- │
│ │ mails. ims. f spawns n number of phantom email │
└─┤ 2. We use anot- ids, and, all of these emails start re- │
│ her ML model lying back to the scamming organization │
│ to reply ba- │
│ ck. │
git clone
cd ucdavis_honeypot
wanna things install faster? use mamba instead of conda.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate honeypot
From a separate terminal, run the following command.
rabbitmq-server start
From a separate terminal, run the following command.
cd src
num_phantom: number of fake emails to use for the honeypot set_filter: True if Machine Learning mode, False if Generic mode. set_reply_mech: The autoreply on the scammer. True if Machine Learning mode, False if Generic mode.
python --num_phantom 10 --set_filter True --set_reply_mech True
You can edit and run the script src/
to send emails to the system.
We include a few custom tests, which allows us to look into the output of the honeypot system's output. We have a few sample scam mails placed in tests/sample directory. the ground truth of these mails are that these are scam emails. In order to run these tests, please follow the following steps:
python \
--type <test_type> \
--cmode <check_mode> \
--rmode <reply_mode>
In the above command, following are the parameters:
signifies the tests type. Currently we support two types of custom tests:sample
checks whether a given mail is a job scam or not. If it is, then it generates a reply and printed on the terminal.namegen
is used to generate phantom names.--cmode
signifies the detection mode to use. It either accepts "ML" or "Generic" as the argument value. "ML" suggests a machine learning mode whereas "Generic" uses a conditional job scam detection mechanism.--rmode
is similar to--cmode
which either uses "ML" or "Generic" to generate replies for a given scam mail.