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First drafts about multi-criteria decision analysis
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jtuomist committed Feb 23, 2025
1 parent 6c1e71a commit 33f3d19
Showing 1 changed file with 234 additions and 0 deletions.
234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions notebooks/
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@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

Check failure on line 4 in notebooks/

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GitHub Actions / mypy

[mypy] notebooks/

Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "scipy.optimize" [import-not-found]
Raw output
notebooks/ error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "scipy.optimize"  [import-not-found]

# Drafts of multi-criteria decision analysis based on ChatGPT.
# Based on standard MCDA techniques like TOPSIS and ELECTRE.
# See

def normalize_matrix(matrix, criteria_types):
Normalize the decision matrix.
- Uses Min-Max normalization if negative values exist.
- Uses standard vector normalization otherwise.
- Converts cost criteria to benefit-style scaling.
norm_matrix = np.zeros(matrix.shape)
for j in range(matrix.shape[1]):
col = matrix[:, j]

# If column has negative values, apply Min-Max normalization
if np.any(col < 0):
norm_matrix[:, j] = (col - np.min(col)) / (np.max(col) - np.min(col))
# Apply vector normalization
norm_matrix[:, j] = col / np.sqrt(np.sum(col**2))

# If it's a cost criterion, invert the values
if criteria_types[j] == "cost":
norm_matrix[:, j] = 1 - norm_matrix[:, j]

return norm_matrix

def compute_weighted_matrix(norm_matrix, weights):
"""Apply weights to the normalized matrix."""
weighted_matrix = norm_matrix * weights
return weighted_matrix

def compute_concordance_matrix(weighted_matrix):
"""Compute the concordance matrix."""
num_alternatives = weighted_matrix.shape[0]
concordance_matrix = np.zeros((num_alternatives, num_alternatives))

for i in range(num_alternatives):
for j in range(num_alternatives):
if i != j:
concordance_matrix[i, j] = np.sum(weighted_matrix[i] >= weighted_matrix[j])

return concordance_matrix / weighted_matrix.shape[1] # Normalize by number of criteria

def compute_discordance_matrix(weighted_matrix):
"""Compute the discordance matrix."""
num_alternatives = weighted_matrix.shape[0]
discordance_matrix = np.zeros((num_alternatives, num_alternatives))

for i in range(num_alternatives):
for j in range(num_alternatives):
if i != j:
max_diff = np.max(np.abs(weighted_matrix[i] - weighted_matrix[j]))
discordance_matrix[i, j] = max_diff / np.max(weighted_matrix, axis=0).max()

return discordance_matrix

def electre_decision(concordance_matrix, discordance_matrix, c_threshold=0.5, d_threshold=0.5):
"""Determine the outranking relationships based on thresholds."""
num_alternatives = concordance_matrix.shape[0]
outranking_matrix = np.zeros((num_alternatives, num_alternatives))

for i in range(num_alternatives):
for j in range(num_alternatives):
if i != j and concordance_matrix[i, j] >= c_threshold and discordance_matrix[i, j] <= d_threshold:
outranking_matrix[i, j] = 1

return outranking_matrix

def constraint_function(D): # noqa: N803
"""Constraints: Study budget limit and dependencies between decisions."""
budget = 100 # Example total budget
costs = [30, 40, 50] # Cost of each action

# Budget constraint
budget_constraint = budget - sum(D[i] * costs[i] for i in range(len(D))) # Must be >= 0

# Dependency constraints
dependency_constraints = []
if D[0] == 1: # If first action is chosen, second action must also be chosen
dependency_constraints.append(D[1] - 1) # Must be 0 or positive
if D[2] == 1 and D[1] == 0: # If third action is chosen, second action must also be chosen
dependency_constraints.append(-D[1]) # Must be 0 or positive

# Exclusivity constraints (mutual exclusion)
exclusivity_constraints = []
if D[0] == 1 and D[2] == 1: # Actions 1 and 3 cannot both be chosen
exclusivity_constraints.append(-1) # Must be 0 or positive (invalid case)

# Synergy constraints (actions work better together)
synergy_constraints = []
if D[1] == 1 and D[2] == 1: # If actions 2 and 3 are taken, must allocate at least 20% extra budget
synergy_constraints.append(budget - sum(D[i] * costs[i] for i in range(len(D))) - 20) # Must be >= 0

return [budget_constraint] + dependency_constraints + exclusivity_constraints + synergy_constraints

# Define constraints
constraints = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_function})

# Example Decision Matrix (Alternatives x Criteria)
decision_matrix = np.array([
[50, 2000, 100000], # Bus
[100, 500, 500000], # Subway
[20, 50, 50000] # Bikes

# Criteria Weights
weights = np.array([0.4, 0.3, 0.3])

criteria_types = np.array(['cost', 'cost', 'benefit'])

# Normalize and Weight
decision_matrix_norm = normalize_matrix(decision_matrix, criteria_types)
weighted_matrix = compute_weighted_matrix(decision_matrix_norm, weights)

# Compute Concordance and Discordance Matrices
concordance_matrix = compute_concordance_matrix(weighted_matrix)
discordance_matrix = compute_discordance_matrix(weighted_matrix)

# Apply ELECTRE Decision Rule
outranking_matrix = electre_decision(concordance_matrix, discordance_matrix)

# Display Results
print("Concordance Matrix:\n", concordance_matrix)
print("Discordance Matrix:\n", discordance_matrix)
print("Outranking Matrix:\n", outranking_matrix)


def determine_ideal_solutions(weighted_matrix):
"""Determine the ideal (best) and anti-ideal (worst) solutions."""
ideal_solution = np.max(weighted_matrix, axis=0)
anti_ideal_solution = np.min(weighted_matrix, axis=0)
return ideal_solution, anti_ideal_solution

def compute_distances(weighted_matrix, ideal_solution, anti_ideal_solution):
"""Compute the Euclidean distance from each alternative to the ideal and anti-ideal solutions."""
d_plus = np.sqrt(np.sum((weighted_matrix - ideal_solution) ** 2, axis=1))
d_minus = np.sqrt(np.sum((weighted_matrix - anti_ideal_solution) ** 2, axis=1))
return d_plus, d_minus

def compute_relative_closeness(d_plus, d_minus):
"""Compute the relative closeness to the ideal solution."""
return d_minus / (d_plus + d_minus)

# Normalize and Weight
decision_matrix_norm = normalize_matrix(decision_matrix, criteria_types)
weighted_matrix = compute_weighted_matrix(decision_matrix_norm, weights)

# Determine Ideal and Anti-Ideal Solutions
ideal_solution, anti_ideal_solution = determine_ideal_solutions(weighted_matrix)

# Compute Distances
d_plus, d_minus = compute_distances(weighted_matrix, ideal_solution, anti_ideal_solution)

# Compute Relative Closeness Scores
relative_closeness = compute_relative_closeness(d_plus, d_minus)

# Rank Alternatives
ranking = np.argsort(relative_closeness)[::-1] # Sort descending

# Display Results
print("Ideal Solution:", ideal_solution)
print("Anti-Ideal Solution:", anti_ideal_solution)
print("Distances to Ideal:", d_plus)
print("Distances to Anti-Ideal:", d_minus)
print("Relative Closeness Scores:", relative_closeness)
print("Ranking of Alternatives:", ranking + 1) # Adding 1 to match human indexing

# Find interactions between actions

# Define an example objective function F(D)
def objective_function(D): # noqa: N803
"""Complex model where F(D) naturally includes interactions."""
D = np.array(D) # noqa: N806
return -(100 * D[0] + 150 * D[1] + 120 * D[2] # Base contributions
+ 50 * D[0] * D[1] # Synergy between D0 & D1
- 40 * D[1] * D[2] # Antagonism between D1 & D2
+ 30 * D[0] * D[2]) # Weak synergy between D0 & D2

# Define constraints (budget, dependencies, etc.)
budget = 100
costs = [30, 40, 50] # Example costs per action

# Initial decision guess
D_init = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=3) # noqa: NPY002

# Define constraint dictionary
constraints = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint_function}

# Run full optimization
full_opt = minimize(objective_function, D_init, constraints=constraints, method='SLSQP', bounds=[(0, 1)]*3)
F_full =
D_full = np.round(full_opt.x)

# Run single-action optimizations
F_single = []
for i in range(3):
D_test = np.zeros(3) # Only one action at a time
D_test[i] = 1
result = minimize(objective_function, D_test, constraints=constraints, method='SLSQP', bounds=[(0, 1)]*3)

# Run pairwise optimizations to detect interactions
F_pairwise = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i in range(3):
for j in range(i+1, 3):
D_test = np.zeros(3)
D_test[i] = 1
D_test[j] = 1
result = minimize(objective_function, D_test, constraints=constraints, method='SLSQP', bounds=[(0, 1)]*3)
F_pairwise[i, j] =

# Compute synergy/antagonism scores
S_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i in range(3):
for j in range(i+1, 3):
S_matrix[i, j] = F_pairwise[i, j] - (F_single[i] + F_single[j])

# Print results
print("Full optimization decision:", D_full)
print("Full optimization benefit:", F_full)
print("\nIndividual benefits:", F_single)
print("\nPairwise benefits:\n", F_pairwise)
print("\nSynergy/Antagonism Matrix:\n", S_matrix)

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