npm install --save @kobayami/threads
Enables direct function calls from main thread into worker threads instead of manual message passing. This simplifies the usage of worker threads a lot!
This library works for both Web and NodeJS environments and provides a common adapter API for the platform specific parts, so that the same application code can be run in both environments without modification.
Core features of this library include:
- Direct function calls from main thread into services run on worker threads
- Own very lightweight RMI protocol specifically for this purpose
- Automatic handling of transfer objects
- Support for synchronous and asynchronous service implementations
- Compatible with Web and NodeJS environments
Service interface:
interface RenderService {
enable(surface: OffscreenCanvas): Promise<void>;
getSurface(): Promise<OffscreenCanvas | null>;
setMaxFps(value: number): Promise<void>;
getCurrentFps(): Promise<number>;
Main thread (main.js
), or client side:
const renderService = createServiceRmiProxy<RenderService>(
renderService.enable(new OffscreenCanvas(640, 480));
const canvas = await renderService.getSurface();
const currentFps = await renderService.getCurrentFps();
Worker thread (render.worker.js
), or server side:
class RenderServiceImpl implements RenderService {
surface: OffscreenCanvas | null = null;
maxFps = 60;
lastRenderCycleTimeMs = Number.MAX_VALUE;
async enable(surface: OffscreenCanvas): Promise<void> {
this.surface = surface;
async getSurface(): Promise<OffscreenCanvas | null> {
return this.surface;
async setMaxFps(value: number): Promise<void> {
this.maxFps = value;
async getCurrentFps(): Promise<number> {
return 1000 / this.lastRenderCycleTimeMs;
private startRenderLoop() {
dispatchRmiRequestsSync(new RenderServiceImpl());