We both wanted to work on a personal project and experiment with some web-development outside of traditional academics. We both noticed that applications for SWE positions commonly requested a personal website and thought this would be a good project to do in order to learn React. We learned a lot by attending the React workshop hosted by Neel.
This is a portfolio website that presents information to the user that is commonly needed in the hiring process.
We utilized the React.js library to create a user-friendly website and used Tailwind CSS to style it.
We had difficulty in using Tailwind CSS at first but reading through documentation helped us solve any styling problems. One of us had difficulty in using React's router but the other teammate managed to implement it correctly.
We're proud to have built a functioning and responsive website! The both of us have only used React in workshops so we're proud to have created a complete product.
We learned React and one of us learned Tailwind CSS.
We'll be making our own edits to this portfolio so it suits each of us better, and we are planning to host our portfolios on GitHub pages.