need a simple background introduction
Some tools are required,
python v2.7.14
samtools v1.7
cftools v1.7
htslib v1.7
netMHCpan v4.0
use the supported files in example to run
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/TCGA.SKCM.mutect.4b7a5729-b83e-4837-9b61-a6002dce1c0a.DR-10.0.somatic.maf - download data from TCGA.
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/patients_id.txt - the records of patients' ID.
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.pep.rename.fa - procced sequnce file.
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/HLA_list - the list of HLA-A,HLA-B,HLA-C unit.
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/ - change the header to fit your cluster.
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/ - to get the fragment sequnce.
- example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl/ - to make prediction.
cd example/skcm/patients_missense_mutationl
cat TCGA.SKCM.mutect.4b7a5729-b83e-4837-9b61-a6002dce1c0a.DR-10.0.somatic.maf | grep -v "^#" | grep Missense_Mutation | grep PASS|grep SNP| cut -f 1,5-13,55,56,68,111,116 > Missense_Mutation.PASS.txt
mkdir patients_missense_mutation
awk 'NR>1 {print "grep "$0" Missense_Mutation.PASS.txt > patients_missense_mutation/"$0".txt &"}' patients_id.txt >
chmod a+x
#get the file named by pation ID, the file look like 745c699b-8ecf-4653-b41f-6620f11bcf39.txt
./ > get_id.log 2>&1 &
cd patients_missense_mutation
mkdir all wt mt
#fragment sequnces will be genertsted in wt/ mt/ all/ resprectly
#prediction step
awk '{print "sbatch "$0" >>all_HLA_job_ids"}' HLA_list >
chmod a+x
./ > log 2>&1 &
Notice: if the space is not enough in running prediction step, please split HLA_list file to some small files, such as "HLAa.list, HLAb.list, HLAc.list", and replace above "HLA_list" with them one by one.
- Yang Liu - University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA
- Duolin Wang - University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA
- Bowen Tang - University of Missouri, Columbia MO, USA
- Email - [email protected]
- Email - [email protected]
- Email - [email protected]
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