All shared common packages and code across katanomi repos
- apis: common types and functions for type definitions
- apis/meta: objects, definitions and functions shared across projects (versioned)
- apis/validation: common validation methods
- client: client related functions
- controllers: controller methods and objects
- errors: common error functions
- examples: examples of how to utilize this repo methods/objects
- hack: basic repo hacking files (not a package)
- logging: logging related
- maps: package to manipulate maps with sortingand other methods.
- manager: controller-runtime manager methods
- multicluster: shared multicluster interfaces and implementations for client, etc.
- names: name generation releated methods ( inspired)
- namespace: namespace releated methods
- parallel: parallel task execution implementation
- plugin: plugin system files and subpackages
- restclient: RESTful client methods
- scheme: scheme related methods
- sharedmain: common main functions to init components
- testing: automated test related methods
- testing/framework: automated test framework for e2e and integration testing
- user: user matching releated functions
- webhook: custom webhook methods to extend current controller-runtime webhooks
- [ ]: implement custom validation webhook methods
- [ ]: add more unit tests
- [ ]: add requirements to testing/framework to automatically enable/disable tests based on setup