NOTE: This was taken from Interactive Brokers so it can be easily pip installed
A couple of things/definitions/conventions:
- a low level message is some data prefixed with its size
- a high level message is a list of fields separated by the NULL character; the fields are all strings; the message ID is the first field, the come others whose number and semantics depend on the message itself
- a request is a message from client to TWS/IBGW (IB Gateway)
- an answer is a message from TWS/IBGW to client
How the code is organized:
- comm module: has tools that know how to handle (eg: encode/decode) low and high level messages
- Connection: glorified socket
- Reader: thread that uses Connection to read packets, transform to low level messages and put in a Queue
- Decoder: knows how to take a low level message and decode into high level message
- Client:
- knows to send requests
- has the message loop which takes low level messages from Queue and uses Decoder to tranform into high level message with which it then calls the corresponding Wrapper method
- Wrapper: class that needs to be subclassed by the user so that it can get the incoming messages
The info/data flow is:
- Connection.recv_msg() (which is essentially a socket) receives the packets
- uses Connection._recv_all_msgs() which tries to combine smaller packets into bigger ones based on some trivial heuristic
- uses Connection.recv_msg() to get a packet and then uses comm.read_msg() to try to make it a low level message. If that can't be done yet (size prefix says so) then it waits for more packets
- if a full low level message is received then it is placed in the Queue (remember this is a standalone thread)
- the main thread runs the loop which:
- gets a low level message from Queue
- uses to translate into high level message (fields)
- uses Decoder.interpret() to act based on that message
- Decoder.interpret() will translate the fields into function parameters of the correct type and call with the correct/corresponding method of Wrapper class
- Connection.recv_msg() (which is essentially a socket) receives the packets
- Client class has methods that implement the requests. The user will call those request methods with the needed parameters and Client will send them to the TWS/IBGW.
Implementation notes:
the Decoder has two ways of handling a message (esentially decoding the fields)
- some message very neatly map to a function call; meaning that the number of fields and order are the same as the method parameters. For example: Wrapper.tickSize(). In this case a simple mapping is made between the incoming msg id and the Wrapper method:
IN.TICK_SIZE: HandleInfo(wrap=Wrapper.tickSize),
- other messages are more complex, depend on version number heavily or need field massaging. In this case the incoming message id is mapped to a processing function that will do all that and call the Wrapper method at the end. For example:
IN.TICK_PRICE: HandleInfo(proc=processTickPriceMsg),
Instalation notes:
- you can use this to build a source distribution
python3 sdist
- you can use this to build a wheel
python3 bdist_wheel
- you can use this to install the wheel
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade dist/ibapi-9.75.1-py3-none-any.whl