I'm a developer from Delhi,India
I manage/work in Team Lazy Buds for making Discord Bots and Servers. Our team's main motive is to provide users the best quality bots and servers. Check out our website:- https://lazybuds.xyz
You can DM me at Discord anytime for any questions, help, custom bot/server management offers, etc. DM me at Kartik#0001 (451707918320926733) or mail me on [email protected]
We've a total of 4 Global Bots that are available to everyone for using in their server's.
Recolt#4305 (634008262525583360)
Tommy#4727 (697463492457922571)
COVID-19 India#5897 (701397327084126219)
Hideaki#6721 (742070928111960155)
We've one web domain that anyone can visit.
We've a few custom bots also.
Oasis Roleplay Bot#6459 (784310162155503646) for Oasis Roleplay Philippines server.
All of these services are owned/managed by Team Lazy Buds. By using any of our services in any way(adding bots, using official website), you are consenting to the terms. If you, do not agree to the terms, you can stop using the service(s) immediately. If you, want to suggest any changes mail us at [email protected] or contact us on Discord Server