Neovim plugin designed to simplify the process of compiling and running projects within tmux panes or windows. Supports multiple programming languages by allowing customisation of build and run commands.
Also supports running lazygit from within current Neovim session on an overlay terminal.
Install using your favorite plugin manager. For example, using lazy.nvim:
{ 'karshPrime/tmux-compile.nvim', event = 'VeryLazy' },
And setup it with:
-- Overriding Default Configurations. [OPTIONAL]
save_session = false, -- Save file before action (:wall)
build_run_window_title = "build", -- Tmux window name for Build/Run
---- same window pane
new_pane_everytime = false, -- Use existing side panes for action, when false
side_width_percent = 50, -- Side pane width percentage
bottom_height_percent = 30, -- Bottom pane height percentage
---- overlay window
overlay_width_percent = 80, -- Overlay width percentage
overlay_height_percent = 80, -- Overlay height percentage
overlay_sleep = 1, -- Pause before overlay autoclose; seconds
-- By default it sets value to -1,
-- indicating not to autoclose overlay
-- Languages' Run and Build actions. [REQUIRED]
build_run_config = {
extension = {'c', 'cpp', 'h'},
build = 'make',
run = 'make run',
debug = 'lldb',
extension = {'rs'},
build = 'cargo build',
run = 'cargo run',
-- not all properties are required for all extensions
extension = {'go'},
run = 'go run .',
-- Run would work for golang
-- but Build and Debug will return errors informing configs are
-- missing
-- Directory override config. [OPTIONAL]
-- Set actions for a specific directory (per project basis)
-- Note: do not use '~' for home directory, use full path
project_override_config = {
project_base_dir = '/absolute/path/to/project',
build = 'make',
run = 'make run',
debug = 'lldb',
project_base_dir = '/path/to/another/project',
build = 'cargo build',
-- Only build will work for this path
Create keybindings for any command by adding the following to Neovim config:
vim.keymap.set('n', 'KEYBIND', 'COMMAND<CR>', {silent=true})
Example: to set F5 to compile and run current project in an overlay terminal window-
vim.keymap.set('n','<F5>', ':TMUXcompile Run<CR>', {silent=true})
Action / Purpose | Command |
Compile program in an overlay terminal window | :TMUXcompile Make |
Compile program in a new tmux window | :TMUXcompile MakeBG |
Compile program in a new pane next to current nvim pane | :TMUXcompile MakeV |
Compile program in a new pane bellow current nvim pane | :TMUXcompile MakeH |
Run program in an overlay terminal window | :TMUXcompile Run |
Run program in a tmux new window | :TMUXcompile RunBG |
Run program in a new pane next to current nvim pane | :TMUXcompile RunV |
Run program in a new pane bellow current nvim pane | :TMUXcompile RunH |
Start debugger in an overlay terminal window | :TMUXcompile Debug |
Start debugger in a tmux new window | :TMUXcompile DebugBG |
Start debugger in a new pane next to current nvim pane | :TMUXcompile DebugV |
Start debugger in a new pane bellow current nvim pane | :TMUXcompile DebugH |
Open lazygit in overlay | :TMUXcompile lazygit |
* Run here includes both compiling and running the program, depending on the run command specified for the file extension.
Important Notice: Backward Compatibility Break v1 -> v2
Please note that backward compatibility is broken from Version 1 to Version 2 due to the implementation of a more robust configuration system. In the previous version, user configuration consisted of a simple list of extensions with their associated make and run command properties. However, with the introduction of overlay functionality, it became necessary to add an identifier to this previously unnamed list, resulting in incompatibility with older configurations.Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. From version 2, the plugin has been designed with future-proofing in mind to ensure that such issues do not recur.