A simple python tinker 3D engine that renders ply files
A simple and fast way to get started is by loading your object and render it as follows First we import the engine
from Simple3DEngine.Engine import Engine
Then create a new object call it root for example
root = Engine()
Load up your ply file and give it a name
object_1 = root.add_object('monkey.ply', 'a monkey!')
You can easily change the colors of the surface of the edges of an object, you can also use hexa colors
object_1.face_color = "green"
object_1.edge_color = "black"
Render it
while True:
You can control each object by functions for Rotation, Scaling or moving You can also control the entire camera this way but first you need to create a new camera object
camera = root.get_camera()
Then you can easily use the control functions for example
and here an example of using the camera to rotate on two objects and moving one object and ghosting at the same time