update date: 03/09/2023
Author: Junhao Shen, Beichen Hu
OS support:
- MacOS Ventura 13.0 Apple M2 Chips
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Java version: 11.0.18
- Scala Version: 2.13.10
- Play! Framework version: 2.18.19
- sbt version: 1.7.2
- Docker
Make sure the prerequisite has been set up:
check SBT installation: sbt --version
if your installed sbt version is different, the output maybe:
sbt version in this project: 1.7.2
sbt script version: 1.8.2
check JDK version: java --version
Multiple Java versions?
runupdate-java-alternatives --list
check your installed JDKs, and set JDK 11 as default
- Open the project, and wait editor complete indexing
- go to File --> Project Structure --> set SDK to JDK 11(if you haven't install it, click Add JDK --> Download JDK)
- Go to right-top Edit Configuration --> Add Play 2 APP --> set a name --> set port number(default is 9000)
In our project, we use MySQL as the our backend database, you can set up multiple datasource, just ensure install their connector dependencies in build.sbt and configure in conf/application.conf
e.g creat a mysql8 database name test:
docker run -itd --name ebean -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=12345 mysql:8.0
In conf/application.conf, we use ebean_test as default database name, you need to create a database called "ebean_test" in your docker container
run and check your database if the data has been put e.g. use 9000 as localhost port number
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"id":0, "username": "smucs_sde", "password": "play!cs@smu", "firstName":"Junhao", "lastName":"Shen"}' \
(everthing is already configured, for more information, please check build.sbt and conf/application.conf)
ORM: PlayEbean
Managing database evolutions: evolutions
Configuring JDBC connection pools: javaJdbc
Configuring the JDBC Driver dependency(e.g. mysql5):
"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.41"
(if you use MacOS with Apple Chips, mysql8 is recommended) -
Dependency Injection: guice
Calling REST APIs with Play WS: javaWS
The Play cache API: ehcache
├── app # write your code under this directory
│ ├── controllers # controllders module
│ │ ├── HomeController.java # Home Controller
│ │ └── UserController.java # User Controller, for handling request for user object
│ ├── models # data accessing module
│ │ └── User.java # The data Model map to table in your database
│ └── views
│ └── index.scala.html # testing purpose, for backend, this file is not required
├── build.sbt # declare your dependencies, project name, scala versions here
├── conf
│ ├── application.conf # configure your database parameters, port number, etc.
│ ├── evolutions # auto sql script by evolutions plugin, you don't have to touch this folder
│ │ └── default
│ │ └── 1.sql
│ ├── logback.xml
│ └── routes # define your RESTiful API here
├── logs
│ └── application.log
├── project
│ ├── build.properties
│ ├── plugins.sbt # preloading plugin/dependencies, we add PlayFramework & PlayEbean here
│ └── project
├── public # your public asset folder
│ ├── images
│ │ └── favicon.png
└── test # writing your test function under this folder
└── controllers
└── HomeControllerTest.java