Orbo is a gravitational orbit simulator made in the Unity Game Engine. It simulates the orbiting of plants around a star, and showcases how orbits are impacted over a certain period of time, be it through collisions or just the sheer angle of the orbit itself.
- Click download, and download the files in a zip file.
- Extract the files into a premade folder.
- Run the Orbo.exe file and have fun.
The gravitional constant
- As the gravitational constant of 6.67E-11 is WAY too small for the Unity Engine to even show any impact, you have to add a multiplier. I personally recommend going with 30 to start off.
The amount of planets spawned
- You can change the amount of planets that you want to spawn in the field around the star, as this allows for collisions between the planets while they orbit. Don't get too crazy with it!
The radius of the orbit
- If you want to make the orbit of the planets be more wider, then go right ahead. This right here is for you. It can help you prevent the collisions that occur and maybe even see interesting elliptical orbits.
Here is the link to the imgur album showcasing the journey.
For the video explaining Orbo, click right here.
If you would like to see a flowchart depicting the planning of Orbo click here.
If you want to know how to use a button to switch scenes in Unity, watch this.
Accidentally recorded myself working on the particle system for my Sun and ended up with a 1 hour clip. Edited it and sped it up for easier viewing. Watch it here.
Just click on the scripts folder and click on that file that ends with .cs and that should let you view the contents of the file.