TL;DR - A pragmatic dev, that likes to get stuck in to just about anything. I like solving problems.
🤵 - Problem Solver @ AND Digital
🌎 - Lancashire, United Kingdom
📘 - Learning too many things all at once... I need a holiday tbh
💼 - Building something... in travel ✈️ with .NET 6, C#, Ruby on Rails & AWS
💻 - Building a bespoke SAAS boilerplate 💿 with Remix with TypeScript, Tailwind & PostgreSQL
TL;DR - Everything below, I have used in some sort of professional capacity. I have the memory of a goldfish, so there will be other stuff too. But I believe people build amazing software products, not specific languages or frameworks.
I also don't necessarily like all of them nor am I up to date or an expert at all of them 😉